Friday Portrait, Jan. 15

Today’s sitter was John. I’m fairly certain he’s mastered the art of stillness; this guy didn’t so much as twitch when he was sitting up there. If I heard him correctly during the breaks, he likes to do things like deep sea diving in search of treasure.

I think this is the first time I’ve drawn a real beard.

Warm up

Vine Charcoal

These are the only two I did today; I’m quite happy with the charcoal. Good thing I remembered where to find it this morning!


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9 Responses to Friday Portrait, Jan. 15

  1. Gecko says:

    Love this one, Julie!

  2. Teresa says:

    I especially love the profile – both are excellent though.

  3. walt says:

    ¡El hombre tiene presencia!
    Yes, good profile. You caught his eyes “just so.”

  4. Wow, I loved this one the instant it popped up on screen. Got ‘im.

  5. retriever says:

    Wow! What a face you captured! Sometimes a drawing gives a better feel than a photo. Good work, Julie. I started wondering about his life, and how he broke his nose, and all. You made him so real.

  6. snoopmurph says:

    Wow, when you said beard, you weren’t kidding!

  7. Excellent, indeed, Julie. Profile is John. Amazing what can be done with something like charcoal in good hands.

  8. Julie says:

    Thanks, everyone. I think I’ll definitely stick with the charcoal for a while.

    In case anyone’s wondering, there won’t be anything new ’til Tuesday. Busy weekend 🙂

  9. Sal says:

    It’s unanimous- the charcoal has real verve and energy.
    I agree that I’d like to know the story of that interesting face.

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