Caring for Wounded Dog Ears


(Obligatory disclaimer – I’m not a vet, nor am I a medical professional in any way, shape or form. Seek the advice of a real professional before trying this on your dog. Thank you!)

I’ve searched for good advice on this, but haven’t been very successful, so I thought I’d post what works for my dog in the hopes that someone else will find it useful too.

I have two vizslas, but only this one tends to have ear problems. It starts with the itching – she gets a lot of waxy buildup along with allergies, especially at this time of year – which also leads to a lot of high-speed head shaking. When I clean the ears, of course, more vigorous shaking inevitably follows. The sound is rather like a small string of fireworks going off. The speed at the tips of her big dumbo ears is probably close to breaking the sound barrier, much like the tip of a properly-snapped whip. Combined with the fact that she often doesn’t care what her ears hit while she flaps her head (table edges, door jambs, box corners, etc.), it is inevitable that she will occasionaly cut the tips of her ears.

The problem is that once a cut is open and starts to bleed, it won’t heal on its own, because every time she shakes her head it opens again, and the cut gradually gets worse over time. It’s not prone to infection (the wound is certainly not stagnating), but it won’t close up. Among other things, this leads to tiny spatters of blood in unlikely places (high on walls, in an arc across the ceiling – seriously, if a forensics team ever examines my house they’re going to wonder what exactly we’ve been doing in here all these years…). It also leads to an anxious and apparently depressed dog – she knows she’s wounded, but she doesn’t look forward to the treatment (the first time involved a lot of trial and error, poor thing).


This was our first attempt at care, per the vet’s instructions. Using a very sticky two-inch-wide tape (like sticky ace bandage, and it’s vital for this kind of problem, so of course I can’t find it anywhere) we strapped the wounded ear to her head, so that it couldn’t be irritated by the flapping. There were many problems with this approach, not the least being her general misery. The ear began to bruise where it was held back, from her rubbing and laying on it, along with the decreased circulation caused by being held for a prolonged period in an unnatural position. Also, the tape would eventually fail and she’d still flap the wound open again. What finally helped, that first time, was Band-Aid Liquid Bandage (this is specific – the spray on types and the brush-on types are not strong enough for this!) in conjunction with taping the ear up. It was a compromise, and it took a while to heal, but it did work.

The next time I came up with a more ideal solution (which I can’t duplicate now because I ran out of that tape I mentioned earlier – I’ll have to see if the vet has more).

First, apply the Band-Aid Liquid Bandage (or better yet the skin-crack gel version). Next, cover it with either a regular bandaid (right now I’m trying a Curad Extreme Hold knuckle bandage – I was hoping it would stick to the underside of the ear without extra help, but it hasn’t held up) or better yet a Band-Aid Advanced Healing bandage (I love these – they work like a natural scab and are wonderful for people, but they don’t have the requisite sticking power on their own for furry ears). Finally, to make it stay on, overlay with the very sticky tape I mentioned above, using as much as needed to hold everything in place. This way, the wound stays covered while the ear can flap free. Right now, I’m trying regular sports tape, and I’m 99% sure she’s going to shake it loose the first time she flaps her head (as soon as she wakes from her nap…). Leave the bandaging in place for several days, if possible (this is where the Advanced Healing Band-Aids come in – they are meant to be left on for several days).

Now, this next part is just as important: when the wound has healed, or you need to remove the very sticky tape, for the love of pooch don’t just pull it off! – your dog will have abrasions and a bald spot, along with a serious phobia of anyone touching her ears. Instead, use oil: pure citrus oil or even cooking oil will work. Massage it along the edge of the tape, and carefully lift as you go. This will remove the tape and the adhesive painlessly, and will probably soothe the anxious dog as well. If the wound hasn’t healed yet, clean off the oil, dry the ear, and repeat the application process.

If this sounds like a plug for Band-Aids, what can I say? I’ve tried a lot of products in this particular endeavor and it always comes back to Band-Aid. Their liquid bandage and advanced care bandages really are the best that I’ve tried, for the dog and for me. Maybe later I’ll post my awesome method of healing a cooking-oil burn with no scar :).

Anyway, for anyone else out there with a similar problem, I hope this has been helpful!


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226 Responses to Caring for Wounded Dog Ears

  1. MizzE says:

    I’m all for creative, beyond vet solutions. Lilly was miserable with mites for a while until I by passed the vet and bought Hibiclens. I bathed her with that every other day for a week and now she’s fine. Saved big bucks too.

    Your regime would work well for cats too – the ones who come home all beat up after a cat fight 🙂

  2. julie says:

    I imagine cats would be pretty tough to bandage. I finally gave up on the Curad “Extreme” bandage, and bought Band-Aid Tough Strips this afternoon. So far, one of those is holding just fine.

    Before I did that, though, I stopped by the vet counter at PetSmart to ask if they have any of that sticky tape for sale. Of course, it’s only available if I bring her in for a vet consultation. Unless it gets infected, I’ll stick with the Band-Aids.

  3. ussben says:

    Good idea, JulieC!
    The liquid or gel band-aid is very useful. The Army medical research team (I believe at Walter Reed) invented the idea.

    Our terrier mix, Cammilu, often has ear problems too, and she’s allergic to bee stings and spider bites (benadryl works good for that).
    Her ears are too small to hit things, but the inside can get scratched up badly if we don’t catch it in time.
    Our vet gave us some anti-fungal/yeast solution to put in her ears.
    We put it on if her ears start getting pink inside and it works well. It clears up fast and she doesn’t scratch at it.

    Fortunately, we don’t have a problem with mites here.
    The Frontline Plus works very well againsts fleas, flea eggs, ticks, and lice. Should work on mites, but I’m not 100% sure about that.
    I like it because it only takes one application per month.
    It’s cheaper to get online than at the vets office.
    Our vet wants $90.00 for a 3 month supply, but I’ve found it as cheap as $60-$75 bucks online.

  4. MizzE says:

    Yes, Ben getting pet supplies online is a frugal move. Frontline, Capstar and Sentinal are in my arsenal for combatting Texas pests, but none of those three affect the mites . . . go figure.

    Actually, since we no longer live with two quite unkempt Britanny spaniels anymore, I think we’ll be able to manage without meds, given that Lilly doesn’t care to go outside except for a car ride. [Her outhouse is on the back porch, which I hose down daily :)]

  5. julie says:

    As far as pests go, the only we have trouble with is the mosquitoes. Thank goodness, no fleas or ticks (I dealt with enough of those as a kid to last a lifetime!), and this year even the mosquitoes haven’t been too bad.

  6. Jeff says:

    I was at my vet for three hours yesterday for a ear tip injury that has not healed for nearly 2 months now. Lincoln is my Great Dane (1.5 yrs old) and Dumbo ears describes him pretty well. The vet did a beautiful wrap job, the first shake (while in the room) the ears came right out. Finally the vet tried Silver Nitrate (looks like a long match stick) on the wound and it seemed to work, after he shook, there was more bleeding but not as bad, we applied more and it seemed to do the trick. This morning he went out for his morning duty and he did a pretty good shake of the head and sure enough blood… lots of blood. The vet gave some of the Silver Nitrate sticks to take home and I applied some more and it stopped. Unfortunately I feel sick to my stomach now… I googled Silver Nitrate and found out how terribly toxic it is and how it’s cancer causing in animals. I almost want to scrape it off of him…. did I just give my dog a death sentence? Well I promise I will not add any more to his ear. I am going to follow the advice above as the last measure before courterising the ear tip. I hate to put him under anesthesia… I lost a dog once this way.

    So frustrated… I just want him to be ok.

    • Brandon says:

      silver nitrate is what they use in peoples noses to combat frequent nose bleeds. I’ve had it done to my nose and with freezing it still felt like someone punched me in the face. I tried a few sticks on my Weimaraner (shes got the big dumbo ears as well). The pain from the stick surely made her shake. I honestly think it doesn’t work at all. The first time her ear got cut I used EMT gel. it worked so well. Unfortunately she’s nicked her ears again from running through the bush and it doesn’t seem to help this time around. Attempting to wrap her head is pointless, the ears pop out instantly… i feel your frustration. Try EMT gel ,

    • Mindy says:

      Thank you SO much for sharing this info! I have a Great Dane and you described his ear issue exactly…not to mention our blood-splattered walls and floors. I am so excited to try these methods! Thank you again for sharing your wisdom!

    • Rob says:

      Hi Jeff,

      We have a 1.5 year old dane as well that we have been struggling for quite some time with a split ear tip. Its been a while since you posted this, I was wondering if you had any success with this method? My wife and I are tired of cleaning our murder scene house 😦


  7. julie says:

    Jeff, I do hope my advice helps! I’ve never tried silver nitrate, but it sounds like it wasn’t very helpful for his ear anyway. I’ll keep Lincoln in my thoughts today, and I pray for you both that drastic measures won’t be necessary.

  8. Jeff says:

    Not a fun way to start the day. Did she drink any cold water or eat a ice-cube? My friend’s dog would vomit after drinking cold water or eatting an ice cube… I’m sure it’s nothing. Maybe she just wants to keep you on your toes. I’ll keep her in my thoughts.

  9. Daisy Savage says:

    Well Julie think you saved me and my poor Doberman a lot of grief. She got a bleeding ear tip from insect bites, and of course from flapping her ears, she started to drip blood. After lots of blood and bandaging, have resorted to liquid bandaid, a sticky bandaid with a larger sticky bandage over and low and behold, it seems to be working fine. I do have a plastic medical “bonnet” to keep her from pawing it off. Should mention that I went to the drugstore, told the pharmacist about the bleeding – she suggested alum – a few sprinkles and it stopped the bleeding so I could put on the antibacterial liquid bandaid. So far so good – and she is so much happier without all the bandaging. Intend to leave the bandaids on for a couple of days before I change the dressing. Think it will work. Thanks for the suggestions.

  10. julie says:

    Daisy, I’m glad I could help. I hope your Dobie’s ear is better soon! I’ll try to remember that about the alum; I’ve never tried it, but I know it can be useful. It sounds as though it works rather like the silver nitrate, but possibly without the side effects.

  11. Daisy says:

    It has not been easy clearing the ear up. Have foregone the liquid bandaid – it tends to build up and harden – and I am sure makes dogs more inclined to shake their heads. Have resorted to taking all bandages off while my dobie is under surveillance, soaking off most residue – dried blood, etc. and putting on minimal bandaids for night. The alum has been very useful for times when the ear has bled. It seems to be doing a lot better. Lets hope. Daisy

  12. Daisy says:

    I should add that I have just been using peroxide after soaking. It has been working well and keeps everything clean. Daisy

    • Sandra says:

      Daisy, I was told that peroxide can be used to clean where the blood has ran but don’t put it on the wound as it actually stops the healing. I have a springier Spaniel that has a wound on the top of his ear that has been bleeding for two and a half months. I am out of my mind. the ear is now so sore i hate to even try to clean dried blood. has been to vet twice. The bleeding is getting worse now. he fights everything I try to do. I have found a bandage that is made to go around your knee. it looks like fishnet hose and is like a tube. I can cut a small hole in one side for healthy ear and put it around his head to stop him from flapping his ear. although he has managed to get it off a few times. I was afraid liquid bandage would burn real bad. May ask about alum.

  13. julie says:

    Daisy, you’re right about the buildup making them shake their heads more. I’ll have to try the soaking next time, along with the alum.

    Thanks for your input – it’s very helpful to hear how other people have dealt with this problem.

  14. michael zivaljic says:

    Lately, I have seen many flies flying around my dog and on his ears. The area near the tips of his ears look like the flies are eating his ears. Now there appears to be bleeding. I have no clue what is going on or what is happening. The flies appeared before any bleeding so I don’t understand why the flies are bothering my dog.

  15. julie says:

    That’s a new one to me, Michael. It sounds like perhaps you should talk to a vet; he could have either an infection in his ears which drew the flies to start with, or the flies could be a species that prefers live flesh to feed on – I know there are many kinds of biting flies, especially at this time of year (assuming you are in the Northern Hemisphere). You might also look into some form of insect repellent to help keep them away. Good luck to you and your dog. I hope he gets relief soon!

  16. Amanda says:

    Thank you so much for sharing- My poor Abilene had a few skin scrapes months ago, and they STILL aren’t closed. I also have discovered the mysterious blood flecks all over! Thanks for posting, gives me hope!

  17. Julie says:

    You’re very welcome – I’m glad to help!

  18. Francine says:

    Looking for sugestions on how to prevent a dog’s ear from flapping. She has an ear infection along with fluid build up in the inner lineing of her ear.
    I tried ace bandage…didn’t work. Would the liquid band-aid, sticky tape work?

    Thanks for any suggestions. She’s a schnoodle.

  19. julie says:

    Hi Francine,
    I’ve found that ace bandage just isn’t strong enough for my dog. The only thing that actually held her ear in place was the super-sticky tape the vet gave me, which I wrapped around her head like in the above painting. The downside to that was that between rubbing her ear on anything available, and the decreased circulation brought on by being held in one place, she developed some ugly bruises after a day or two, which could probably over time have turned into pressure sores (that’s when I took off the bandages and tried making bandaids instead). With the ear infection, though, sometimes the best thing is to hold it open so it can dry out. If it’s really bad, probably the best thing to do is take her in to the vet, if only because that’s the only way I know of to get the right tape.

  20. Erin says:

    I am so happy to hear my “Heinz 57 mix” thin-eared Gunner and I am not the only one dealing with this more-than-pesky issue. I cannot tell you how many times I have washed my comforter, kitchen cabinets, and walls from blood spatters. I have gone to the vet and he gave me prednisone for his head shaking, thinking it was allergies. Helped a little but not enough to allow the ear to heal. I have resorted to neosporin, gauze pads and medical tape, which last for a day or two before he works them loose. I am a speech therapist at a nursing home and am thinking of “borrowing” some pieces of super sticky healing tape we place directly on skin tears and other minor wounds on our patients to see if that helps. Thanks for the help and comradery if nothing else.

  21. julie says:

    Erin, that sounds like the right tape to try. As a follow up, since I haven’t been able to find the tape I’ve been using the Band-Aid liquid bandage, which really does a great job of sealing the wound.

    As to the head shaking, if the prednisone doesn’t help and antibiotics haven’t helped, it may actually be a yeast infection (that’s Lyra’s chronic problem). If that’s the case, antibiotics will probably make it worse, and prednisone won’t fix the underlying problem. I add plain yogurt to Lyra’s food in the evenings, which does seem to help a little, and I think there are some herbal remedies which might be very helpful. Essentially, it’s the same as when humans get yeast infections or thrush. The best bet is to get a proper diagnosis from the vet, and then decide what to do about it.

    Thanks for sharing your story, Erin.

  22. Leslie says:

    My Great Dane did the head-shake-tear-the-ear-open trick a couple of times. Went to the vet for stitches, and he shook them out before we got home. What we finally did was to use the liquid bandage, and then wrap the ear with gauze, then the blue sticky elastic tape, and then we bought a pair of support panty hose, and cut the legs out (making two headwraps), and cut a hole for the non-affected ear, then duct-taped the top and bottom. It will hold up long enough for the ear to heal.

    • Nicole says:

      what type of lliquid bandage did you use?

    • Julie says:

      Hi Nicole,
      I hope Leslie sees your question, but this is a pretty old comment so she may not. In ’08, you could still buy Band-Aid Liquid Bandage, but they don’t sell it any more. There are some similar types of products available (try searching for “wound closing glue” or something like it), though they tend to be expensive.

  23. julie says:

    The pantyhose trick sounds like a stroke of genius; I may have to try it sometime. The past few weeks, I’ve been trying to tough it out with just the liquid bandage. It helps stop the bleeding for a while, but doesn’t make the wound heal up. I think I may have to cave in and go back to the vet for some more super sticky bandage.

  24. Tawni says:

    Thank goodness for the wonderful people who post boards like this.

    Over a week ago, my feisty adopted Boxer mix somehow managed to scrape his head right next to the ear. It bled a bit for the first night, but then the bleeding slowed down and we thought he was fine. Since then he’ll go a day or so with no visible bleeding but after a while it starts up again–usually after a good head shake or a jog around the yard. I was worried about the blood spraying off (does anyone know how it’s possible for a wound so small to splatter so much?), so my husband tried putting Bag Balm over the area. The Bag Balm seems to keep it from spraying, it has a mild antiseptic, and Clutch doesn’t seem bothered by it at all. I don’t know that it would work for a deeper wound, but for where we’re at now it seems to work pretty well.

    That said, thank you so much for this post. I’m going to try to keep the supplies that you listed on hand for the next time that we’re faced with a situation like this; I think it could have saved us from a lot of grief–and scrubbing.

  25. Pingback: Wounded Dog Ears, Part the Second « A Work in Progress

  26. mandy says:

    You can mix flour with a little bit of water to make a doughy paste and rub that on the wound and let it dry for a minute or two while making sure the dog does not shake, then apply some more and it forms an almost concrete barrier over the would so when the dog shakes it’s head it will not bleed. I’ve tried this on a very bad ear cut and it worked beautifully.

  27. julie says:

    Thanks, Mandy – I’ll try that if it happens again. Since I’ve been using the Zymox, she’s stopped flapping her ears all the time and they’ve finally pretty much healed up on their own.

  28. aarwenn says:

    Wow, Mandy, what a great suggestion, thank you. I just found this site as my dog got his ear cut up by a pit bull just a few hours ago, and is missing quite a chunk, but fortunately he’s a shepherd/husky mix there’s plenty of fur on his ears. Medical tape sticks beautifully, so I’m okay. I tried the liquid skin and it didn’t do anything–who knows why? Different dog breeds?

    I have an Elizabethan collar, which I will definitely employ tomorrow when I’m at work so he doesn’t have the luxury of time and inattention to try to pull off his tape. We’re going to the vet on Friday–the first day I can–to make sure it’s not infected and to maybe get some antibiotics, because he is missing a serious chunk of his ear. Great to see this post and the resulting comments, thank you so much.

  29. Kelly says:

    I am currently having this problem right now. My great dane has a small chunk missing from one of his ears. It gets blood EVERYWHERE when he shakes his head. Some of you have some great tips, I think I will try the Liquid Band Aid first, then the baking soda after that. I cannot see ANYTHING staying on his huge ears when he shakes them though….

    Any more inputs?

    • CC says:

      This seems to work, Dermal gel spray promotes healing. Bought Nexcare Tegaderm waterproof transparent dressing made by 3M, bought it at the drug store.
      Clean the wound, dry, spray on Dermal gel, put on Nexcare bandage, wrap blue painters tape around Nexcare bandage on ear and around collar. You must give the dogs ear a rest without bandage for a few hours every other day or risk other problems. 7 to 10 days should be healed.

    • julie says:

      Thanks, CC. I had never heard of Dermal gel spray, nor the Tegaderm, though I have seen it used in hospitals (I didn’t know what it was); sounds like you found a great combination! It’s amazing what products are out there to help with wound healing.

    • Sandra says:

      Don’t use baking soda, can cause infection. same with flour. Corn starch is safe but hardens and is a nightmare to get off, it didn’t work for my dog anyway.

  30. julie says:

    Hi Kelly,
    If you look under the category Wounded Dog Ears, you’ll find some more useful information. One key component to getting his ears to heal is to stop the shaking; if you haven’t tried it already, Zymox Otic is an excellent product for irritated ears. If he has chronic ear infections, this will probably save you hundreds in vet bills, and that’s no exaggeration.

    I hope something here is helpful!

  31. Brittney says:

    I just wanted to thank you for this! My dogs were playing & it got rowdy and one of the ear tips got ripped. It was a Sunday night in the middle of a snowstorm and this saved me a trip to the emergency vet! I will still need to take her (its a sizeable cut)but thanks for the fist responder info!

  32. julie says:

    You’re very welcome, Britt – I’m glad this was helpful!

  33. D says:

    What a great post. Just wanted to add that the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works awesome to remove the blood splatters!

  34. julie says:

    Thank you, D! And I’ll second that about Magic Erasers – whoever invented them deserves to be sainted.

  35. Amanda V says:

    Thank you for this information. My dog, a Male boxer, Merlin 7, has had an open wound on his ear for over a year now. same scenario, ear shaking keeping the wound open. I have tried many things and none have worked. I will definitely try this approach.

  36. Sabrina says:

    One of my dogs has been dealing with a similar wound on her ear for quite sometime. I am a RN and I am certain it is not infected so I have not taken her to the vet as of yet. Her ears are visually clean except for this wound near the tip of her ear. It seems to start healing and then opens up again after a vigorous shake/scratch. I plan to try your method and see if it helps. *fingers crossed*

  37. Allan says:

    Hi there I have done what you mentioned to my dog from a cut he got. He has had it a while now. AnywAy a question I have is after a few days should I redress it? And usually how long does it take to mend? Also will it heal being covered like this fully. Any tips I would appreciate. Cheers allan

  38. julie says:

    Hi Allan,
    Yes, I would redress it after a few days, if for no other reason than to check how well it is healing. If your dog is in good health and the bandage stays in place, my totally unscholarly opinion is that you should give it a week. I’m one of those who tends to get overly optimistic about healing times, so after three days or so I would try taking the bandages off because it appeared mostly healed, and then within a couple of hours it would be open again. So overestimating the healing time is probably not a bad thing. But yes, so long as you’re using breathable bandaging material it should heal well, as the bandages work like a scab that won’t come off too soon.

  39. Allan says:

    Thanks for that. After 3 days I have taken off the dressing. It’s looking ok a little moist. I have reapplied another dressing and will check in 2 days. All this sound like normal. Thanks heaps. Allan

  40. Shelli says:

    Hi Julie,
    I sure appreciate all your posts so thought I would offer a little help myself. I believe that the “super sticky 2 inch wide, like sticky ace bandage” you got from your vet, but can’t find elsewhere, is “Vetrap” — we use it on horses, and it is available anywhere that regularly sells horse health products, like Tractor Supply Stores, or most feed stores. It is an incredibly “webby, stretchy” material that sticks to itself like glue (although easily pulled apart). You can sort of re-use it, but easier to start fresh. I hope this helps.

  41. Irving says:

    My dog has been suffering from this for about a year now. It started out as a rash on both ear and now her ears are missing chunks at the tips. I have brought her to the vet 3 times in the last year and I am convinced that vets, or at least my vets (not plural) have no clue how to treat this. They wrapped it once, but it was so wrapped up that it got infected inside. Then they put her on antibiotics and have me put this ointment which I have used up about 3-4 tubes of this stuff. So I have lost all confidence in my vets. I am trying a daily regiment of soaking the soars in hydrogen peroxide and putting neosporan. Not sure if it is working but I dont know what else to do. Tapes or bandages are no match for her propeller head. I put every ingenuity and creativity but comes right off in one shake. Sometimes it would get to the point where it looks healed but next thing you know, it starts bleeding again which starts the process all over again. Id like to get her tips surgically trimmed because it looks so mangled by this soar that wont heal but I cant due to her heart murmur. So all I can do is keep doing something

  42. my dog moe says:

    my dog just bite my other dog on accicdent because of food. the dog that got bit was bleeding for a very long time. i used to have another dog that would never go near the dog that bite the other dog. when this happened, we all new that it was no dogs fault. i have 3 sisters and 3 brothers. one of my sisters was not here and me, my and one of m brothers and one sister went to go out. when we came home we saw the oldest sister on the computer searching for this imformation and the brothers trying to stop the bleeding. my dog is almost done bleeding and we are getting some help!!!!!!!!

  43. Joel says:

    This is great advice. I am going to attempt this technique with my rhodesian – ear tip wound that has persisted for ~ 1 month. It hasn’t healed on its own and I would like to avoid ineffective vet techniques and an expensive vet bill – also avoiding the “cone of shame” is a goal we have.

    A note to Irving (comment #41): hydrogen peroxide will not promote healing/granulation of wound tissue, it actually inhibits wound healing. You should use this only if you really need to clean the wound upon initial injury.

    Julie, I will keep you posted on the success of this technique with Macey.


  44. julie says:

    Thanks, Joel – any updates are welcome, as every dog is different and there’s a lot of trial and error involved. I hope Macey’s ear heals soon!

  45. Nena the Vizsla says:

    My 1.5 yr old female Vizsla has a cut on the tip of her ear – now almost 3 months old. She is on her 2nd round of antibiotics from it getting infected. The old super glue liquid bandaide trick glued an infection in 😦
    I find a bandaide on the ear works best – it keeps blood splatter to a minimum and keeps infection at bay. Her ear was almost like 95% healed and then she had a good romp in the frozen snowy woods and it became inflamed and thus our 2nd course of meds.
    It may never heal? The tip is fatter than her well ear too? strange.
    She also has constant skin flare ups – philiculitus (sp?) so tough…. my poor baby.

  46. julie says:

    Oh, that’s rough – I hope the antibiotics help!

    For the skin flare ups, I can’t recommend Zymox products enough. They’re available online from a variety of retailers, and are very effective. We started using them on Lyra more than a year and a half ago, and she hasn’t had any major problems since then, just a few minor hot spots that are easily managed. I wish there was a similar product available for humans.

  47. rachel says:

    My 1 year old bull terrier has the same problem of flapping his head and opening the cut on the tip of ear everytime. it has been going on for a couple of months and nothing has worked so far. I have tried multiple tapes jobs( my own plus the vet) and none stayed on longer than a few min., the vet cauterized it and it didnt work, he then tried to kind of stitch it closed and of course as soon as we were home it was bleeding again. It is so frustrating plus he gets blood all over his head. I am def going to try your method and really hope it works! wish us luck haha

  48. Wendy says:

    We’ve also been dealing with this problem for a couple of years now, with no help from the vet. I had to laugh at your forensics team comment as I’ve said the exact same thing to my husband about the blood spatter in OUR house! We’ve got a yellow lab and I can’t use regular bandaids on her ear as they don’t stick to her short ear fur. The self-stick tape also doesn’t work, for the same reason. While wonderful for leg wounds (or on my son when he hurt his hand) it slides right off the ear. I’m going to try liquid bandage and the flour/water trick and see if either of those help. I have an e-collar on her right now, but she is the clumsiest cone headed dog I’ve ever seen and keeps knocking into things, pushing the baby over, banging into my legs, etc. She also is still shaking her head, so blood is getting smeared inside the collar.

    Side note; while Mr. Clean magic erasers DO take blood off the walls, they also take off paint. Try Woolite Pet + Oxygen stain and odor remover carpet cleaner. I know it’s carpet cleaner, but it is the most amazing product and takes the blood spatters off the wall (floor, cabinets, windows, deck and yes, even the carpet) with very little scrubbing.

  49. Carol says:

    I was so glad to see your post and to have a Vizsla like me having this problem!! I also have 2 Vizsla’s and only the female gets the ear infections and skin problems along with the split ears. She shook her hears so hard a year ago that her ear flap filled with blood, it looked like a balloon. I took her to the vet who drained the blood and then stitched the flap back together.
    I have found for the split ear problem that putting Neosporin with one of the CVS brand cloth band aides that are super sized works well and the glue on the extra large band aids stays on for days, unless she chews it off. I have left it on for days then changed it and left it on some more depending on how it looks. Usually in about 10 days she is all healed up. I was able to teach her “no shake” to stop her from shaking her head and she will stop on command now.I have often said to my husband the same thing about the forensic team, if they ever came in they would put us in jail until they figured out it was dog not human blood.
    My girl has been tested for everything under the sun, I have spent thousands of dollars in 10 years time and nothing can be found to fix the problem and she has no allergies, parasites or anything else wrong with her. HA! I feel so badly for her.

    • cordy brown says:

      did your vet check for vaculitis? our vizslas both have a type of this (might be hereditary). we notice its impact most on ear tips which seem to spontaneous start to bleed sometimes but its probably in response to something we didn’t see – like head shaking or ear flapping against a hard surface. I also notice the seeping and bleeding around one dog’s nose where the nose meets the snout. there is a topical medication which is very spendy (about 86 dollars for a small tube of ointment) but it does the trick when the ear flaps get that oozing bleeding problem.

  50. Preita says:

    Thank you so much for this! I know this post is really old but it was the most helpful artical on exactly this problem. I was getting more and more frustrated because though the wound isn’t infected it’s certainly not healing like it should.

    Thank you SO MUCH! I’m heading to Target to get the bandaids and supplies right now.

  51. Lynn says:

    Cheapest place to get sticky wrap is at tack stores for horse stuff. It will likely be 4″ wide so will need cutting to 2″ dog width. Usually called Vet Wrap. Horse brushes are often similar and much cheaper than the dog version for some reason. Same for supplements for joint health.

    My Airedale just had his ear bitten and ripped and finding hard to keep the bandage on – flies off with the head shake. The other dog is a new rescue and never even growled – went in with a tail wag then jumped him. Thought there would be tons of info on the Net on how to treat and wrap – but this blog is the best.

  52. julie says:

    Thanks, Lynn – I’m really glad this post is still helpful for people, and any extra advice is always welcome!

  53. Jake says:

    Pantyhose. Or a tube sock.
    Cut the leg off and the end off so it is just a tube and then slide it on and arrange your doggies ear as necessary. My poor coonhound was on the wrong side of an aggressive dog at the dog park yesterday and her formerly perfect ears are no longer. Fortunately it was just one ear and just a small slit at the end of it but man was I angry!

    Anyway the pantyhose in conjunction with the bandage and elizabethian collar works well.

  54. Melissa says:

    Dear goodness thank you all for the post and comments. My thirteen year old Boxer, Christy, got into a fight with a few of my other dogs over food. She was definatly in the wrong since she attacked but she ended up the worse for wear. Her ear has multiple cuts. We thought it was healing fine but then today, a few days after the fight, she started gushing blood all over the place. So we have wrapped it in guaze and an ace bandage for now until the bleeding stops long enough to fix it. I’m lucky she tires easily so she hasn’t messed with it for about two hours now. I am going to wait another hour then take it off and try the flour recipe. Especially since as soon as she wakes up again the temporary bandage is going to come off due to the fact that she does not like it at all. So thank you so much for all the tips!!!

  55. Ricky says:

    my lurcher bitch was laying by the door and the door was opened her ear was bleeding so after i cleaned the wound i flapped her ear above her head gently and put a eye bandage on going round neck held on with a plaster. I would like to no if what I did was right as it has just happened and like all pet owners panic. If not could someone please let me no what I should do.

  56. Julie says:

    It sounds like you’ve managed it well so far, Ricky. If the bandaging stays in place and helps to stop the bleeding for a few days, hopefully she’ll be okay. If the ear has a very bad tear that needs stitches, or if it starts to smell bad or look infected, you should probably take her to a vet. It sounds like you’re taking good care of her. I hope she’s better soon!

  57. Melissa says:

    Hey! I just wanted to let you guys know that there is this spray that you can buy called Vetericyn. It is an infection/wound treatment that keeps wounds/cuts from getting infected and heals them very quickly. My dog had multiple cuts on her ear from a fight that i mentioned a few comments ago. A friend reccomended this product and it has honestly worked amazingly. It healed up within a week and is now just a scar. When she first cut it we had worries that it would take a long time to heal but we bought the spray and didn’t have any trouble with it. She even stopped scratching at it when we had that trouble before. It’s a little pricey but lasts a long time. We bought a bottle for about 35 bucks. But it heals it faster than anything a Vet had given. They sell it at like feed supply stores. but there is a website if you want to check it out. it really does work.

  58. julie says:

    Thanks, Melissa! That sounds like a useful addition to a pet first aid kit.

  59. Laura and Dzoer says:

    Hi there-what great info! So happy to have found you all- There is NO info on this on the internet!!
    I have a 9 year old male weim who has had an issue with his ear tip for over 5 years ugh! He has the longest most vascular ears! Duct tape has been our best friend-when he really blows it open we have been using a large size sheer strip bandaid over the tip and then tape it to his ear with either duct tape or a combo with really sticky almost clear surgical tape (wish I had the package to tell you the actual brand) We also use snoods-hats made to keeps dogs ears from getting in their food. The owner made me custom Muffs with terrycloth for summer use-

    Another very cool option is to use an egg membrane as a way to pull the edges together -check this out

    it worked great for a few days until he gave a huge shake but for smaller cuts it may be a good answer!

    I came home from work today and it looked like a mass murder in my house my very old weim managed to slip in the blood and made such a mess-wow-I am sure many of you can relate-

    I am not sure what we are going to do-I am working with a homeopath hoping to come up with a permanent solution other than amputating the tip of my boys gorgeous ear -the tip is puffy like Nena the vizsla-I think it is compromised tissue after bleeding so many times-but not sure-

  60. Laura and Dozer says:

    oops should be Dozer : )

  61. Wendy says:

    Try the Vetricyn. My Mom and step Dad talked me into trying it on our yellow lab, who has been breaking open her ear tip for 3 years! It had gotten to the point where it was constantly open and varied between wet and spraying all over the house. We’ve been using the spray for about 3 weeks now, daily treatments (twice a day the first week) and her ear tip is just about healed! It’s the best it’s looked in years. She’s happier, she’s not shaking her head all over the place and I’m THRILLED that I’m not cleaning blood off my walls!

  62. Laura and Dozer says:

    Thanks Wendy-I saw this on Melissa post too and I will definately look into it! Do you know whatthe actual ingedients are-I will look on the website too-

    Just happy Dozer is sleeping and not shaking to get his tape off-he is a happy ear flapper-always has been-a few months ago he got a hematoma in his other ear-the biggest one my vet has ever seen! now that’s a whole other story-all the vets want to do surgery-but then what? we have a dog with quilting stitches all in their ear trying to keep them from shaking-my vet worked with me and we put a drain in his ear and left him untaped-and he is fine-has a wrinkly thickened ear but no hematoma-and no surgery-poor guy!

    I have another weimaraner who is in her twilight years but has never had an ear problem in her almost 14 years-her ears are flat and smooth-so curious!

    There is also a chinese herb called Yunnan Baiyao that helps with any kind of bleeding-can be used topically as well as internally-it was used in Vietnam to stop bleeding from bullet wounds

    • Melanie says:

      this website has moved and is now at Yunnan Baiyao is great because not only does it quickly stop the bleeding, but since it can be taken internally, it won’t matter if the dog should lick it off the wound.
      It is quite commonly given to dogs with hemangiosarcoma- with excellent results.

  63. Wendy says:

    Our girl got a hematoma in her ear too, vet drained it and it seems to be getting better. I also showed our Vet the Vetericyn and he said it’s fine to use, that it won’t do any harm and if it helps, to go ahead and use it. Ingredients are: Electrolyzed Water, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hypochlorite & Hypochlorous Acid. It’s supposed to be safe for eyes too. As Melissa said, it’s about $30 bucks a bottle or so, but I’ve been using it on her daily for three weeks and still have about 1/2 a bottle left, so it lasts. (we have an 8oz bottle)

  64. Laura and Dozer says:

    Thanks Wendy-they do not list the ingredients on the website-which always concerns me-
    Which version of it did you get?
    I sent the link to my vet and homeopath to get their input! if it works
    I don’t care HOW much it costs!!! : )

  65. Melissa says:

    Hey! I definetly understand where your coming from with the blood all over the place ear thing. My dogs ear started bleeding and it was all over the place. Funny part was she wasn’t even concerned about it. She just got angry that we were trying to stop her from eating to fix it because there was blood in the bowl (she didn’t seem concerned about the blood). But dogs’ ears are like human head wounds so I’ve been told.

    Anyway, the vetericyn works like a charm. It isn’t bad for the dog, it’s a lot like water (at least so the dealer told me) as far as how bad it is for the dog. The only thing you might notice wrong about it is that when you put it on regularly (i put it on about twice a day once in the morning when we got up and once in the evening before we went to bed) it will cause the site to turn a bit pinkish redish. But that is completely normal and is what the product fully intends because it even tells you that will happen on the bottle. The reason it turns that color is because the spray causes the blood to flow more in that area to speed the healing process. Yea I know what your thinking wouldn’t that cause it to bleed more? but no it doesn’t because the spray first dries the area outside to form a good scab that won’t come off very easily. We researched this product good and well before using it because we didn’t want to accidently put anything bad inside her ear. (because it was a spray we were afraid liquid might get in her ear.) I kept my dogs ear wrapped for a few days. I think it was about four or five, just to be sure that the healing process started. I was actually surprised because it even stopped the itching part of it. The only complaint my dog had was that she didn’t like being sprayed on (she doesn’t likes baths either who woulda figured? )

  66. Wendy says:

    Hi Laura. We got the 8oz pump, it’s called “Wound & Infection Treatment” ($28.00 if you use the “buy now” link on the website) Our vet said it wouldn’t do any harm, and we’ve been amazed at how well it’s worked.

  67. Pingback: Tontilla

  68. Linda says:

    I found this thread when googling “Duct Tape” and “Dog Ears”. I have heard from a couple of people that duct tape works well for ear tips, but I’ve been reluctant to try it. My Ridgeback has a small wound on the end of one ear. He has been flapping quite a bit so as you know, almost impossible to stop the bleeding. In the past, I have managed to heal these injuries with a combination of Vitamin E oil and Arnica gel. The gel works really well to relieve the swelling and fluid accumulation that makes it so hard to heal. Somehow, its not enough now. I might try some of the suggestions here. Thanks for the great site.

  69. tess says:

    It is great to find others with the same problem. I rescue dogs and the vet bills are so high, I could have gone to vet school and saved money. When it comes to minor issues, I try to rely on the internet to help, so I was happy to find this site. All great suggestions in dealing with a cut ear. It’s going to take CSI a year to analyze my house.

  70. Jennifer Wilson says:

    My Vizsla just got a small ear tip bit this morning at the dog park – he is not fazed, but I’m going to try this to see if it heals it up. Thanks for the tip!

  71. Elizabeth W says:

    Hi! This was not only a helpful website, but also entertaining. My dogs recently got into a scuffle and I think I have a second career in crime scene cleanup now. My boxer got a nice gash in her ear whiiiiich was a gusher. For two days now. We did try the pantyhose idea, but it slid off her fat head too easily, then she shredded it outside.

    We have had pretty good luck now with a combination of butterfly bandaids and gianormous bandaids over top. It has worked pretty well so far. Hope this helps someone! Also, we have had more luck keeping the ear down with an ace bandage than anything else. Good luck to everyone else (and my puppo).

  72. Joe S says:


    We struggled with this exact issue with our 75 lb Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, Hudson. Nothing worked and 2 vets could offer no help. Here is what FINALLY solved the problem after many months:

    1.) Use 2 dog cones. One soft one (we used the All Four Paws Black Comfy Cone from Petco) and one standard hard plastic cone. Attach the soft cone snugly (without being too tight). It also attaches to the collar to keep it in place. Then attach the hard cone over the soft cone. The combination of the 2 cones keeps the dog from ever getting at the ear with its paws. It also keeps the soft cone compressed to some degree next to the dogs ears. When the dog shakes its ears (which our dog did violently), the ear will not get the same velocity because it will be impeded by the soft cone. Also, it will not slap against the dog’s head due to the soft cone being in the way. As a result, violent head shaking will NOT cause the scab to break open.

    2.) Spray Vetericyn Wound & Infection spray directly on the cut/would 3 times per day liberally. It will take a solid week before it even appears to be working. It also makes the cut appear more pink or red than usually, but this is normal. After a week or so, you will start seeing it work.

    3.) That’s it. NEVER take the cones off until the wound is completely healed (no scab left). This can take from 2-3 weeks. Clean the cone with the dog wearing it. If you take it off, all it will take is one head shake or paw scratch and you will be back to square one. We learned the hard way. You have to be vigilent and committed to this treatment and it will work. Hudson had a horrible gash on his ear that would not heal after many months. In 3 weeks with this method, it has competely healed and he is back to rough housing with other dogs at the dog park. Let me now if you have any questions and good luck ! —Joe

  73. julie says:

    Thanks, Joe – that sounds like a great solution! I didn’t even know they made soft cones, and wouldn’t have thought of combining one with the hard cone, but it makes perfect sense.

  74. Joe S says:

    My pleasure, Julie. I hope it can help somebody. It can be such a frustrating experience.

  75. Casey says:

    Our dog just had part of his ear ripped off by another dog last night. We have found if he is in his crate he does not shake his head or scratch his ear. Thought it might help someone. Thank you for all of the above tips. We are still on day one.

  76. susan says:

    Thank You for all this info i have had a vet come to my house several times for my great danes ear problem several times, however this last time the vet gave my tanner the medicine to put him to sleep and she didnt wait till he was asleep and he bit her and me. My poor boy never was aggressive before but now i cant go near his ear without him snapping PLEASE HELP there is blood all over and he wont let me near him. I need to try these remedies his cut is getting worse and the blood is worse then ever. How can i calm him down enough to let me repair his ear

  77. Melissa says:

    The only help I can give is to put whatever medicine you’re using on him near him when he lays down. like on a coffee table if he’s on the couch or some such thing. and when he has finally laid down to rest. come up to him slowly eyes down and definetly in a non-threatening way. confort him for several minutes. scratch his favorite place under his chin or rub his belly for a few minutes. It’ll take a good ten minutes for him to warm up to you. when he lays down while you’re petting him finally relaxed the gently,very gently work your way up to his ear. just scratch or pet the area to get him used to you being around it again. be sure he is completely relaxed with you around the ear before introducing the medicine. it will take a long time at least half an hour but totally worth it. when you do finally work yourself up to the medicine part be as gentle and loving as you can. talk softly to him saying ” It’s ok boy” or if he flinches say ” oh i know it hurts i’m so sorry” just soothing words of comfort. This stuff always works with my dogs. I have five big dogs. I like you have a lot of trouble helping my giant mastiff when she wants me to leave her alone 🙂

  78. Merrill says:

    I found this site after spending Christmas Eve working on the cut ear of my dog. It happened while I was gone so I came home to a Dexter crime scene in the “dog room” and didn’t realize it until he’d made a pass through the family room and kitchen. The next 4-5 hours were spent with my mom (nurse) trying to find a solution. Independent of this site, she picked up some Band-Aid Tough Strips (they say “durable heavy-duty fabric with super-stick adhesive”) and they’ve been the best so far. The original solution was an ACE bandage with gauze that he shook out of every time. And if he was shaking out of it he was rubbing it or pushing it against you for you to rub it. Obviously, it is uncomfortable having the ear held in place (normally semi-flopped ears). This site was awesome and I’ll use your oil advice when it comes time to removing the band-aids.

  79. Julie says:

    I have been going through the same thing for three months. I discovered a large cut on the tip of my lab’s ear. It took nearly two months to heal, and then opened up and was raw across the whole tip. She has had stitches, and for two weeks it looked promising that this would do the trick. Stitches, e-collar, antibiotics, keeping a 2 year old dog penned and calm…… Well, tonight she went out to go potty and then inside to eat. When I put her back in her pen, I see blood and a chunk of her ear hanging there. I am heartbroken and just want her ear to heal!!!! There is no infection, and she is in good spirits. I have dried blood everywhere in the garage! But that’s nothing compared to getting her healed up and back to normal.

  80. Joe S says:

    See my post above. It will work for your dog if you follow it to a “t”.

  81. catie says:

    julie i love the idea…. my poor dog is just one hot miserable mess. he wont let me clip his nails so now they are like bear claws, so he scratches his ears and makes them bleed. its more on the inside of his ear so julie would your idea still be useful?? would the head shaking still make the inside cuts open again? if so then im just going to do exactly as u did. my dog hates the vet and i try to do all i can to not have to take him there. its not any kind of mite or infection just simply him scratching way to hard at his ears and not knowing that he needs to leave them alone to heal =( my poor baby

    i have at least been keeping a watchful eye on it every few days just cleaning them out with a damp cotton ball then drying them out with a dry one.

  82. julie says:

    Hi Catie. If he’s scratching because the ears are itchy, then stopping the itchiness will probably be the best way to help the cuts heal up. Again, I can’t recommend Zymox enough – I probably sound like some kind of nut, but this stuff has saved me so much on vet bills I almost can’t believe it.

    If he’s scratching just to scratch, though, I don’t know what to do about that besides making him wear an e-collar until it heals.

    I hope something here helps!

  83. Kristi says:

    I have been having this same problem with my lab mix for about a year now. She has recurrent ear infections and consantly shakes her head which will not allow the cut to heal. We have tried everything and haven’t found anything that will work! The vet now says the tip of her ear is so bad that we should have part of it cut off and that it should then heal up. Has anyone had their vet recommend this before? I just want her ear to heal so she doesn’t have to be miserable anymore.

  84. julie says:

    Hi Kristi,

    I have heard of that, and it might even work. However, if you can get your lab to stop itching from the ear infection, it would probably heal up on its own. I keep recommending the Zymox, but only because I still use it and it still works wonders. Since I first tried it, her cut healed up and her infections, though they occasionally still happen, are now quite mild and easily treatable with no pain and suffering on either of our parts.

    If you haven’t tried it, I’d strongly suggest giving it a go. Don’t just take my word for it, though, read the reviews. Seriously. It only costs a few bucks for a small bottle, and if your dog has had problems this long waiting a week or two to try one more thing before resorting to surgery doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

    For that matter, even if you do opt for the surgery I’d suggest trying Zymox for the chronic infection. We tried the vet’s antifungals and cleansers for years; that’s how I ended up writing this post in the first place. That was 3 1/2 years ago, and I haven’t had this problem since.

    Whatever you decide, I hope you do find a good solution for your poor lab!

  85. julie says:

    You might also try Joe S’s suggestion, above, about using both a hard and a soft collar. It would take patience, but if you’re thinking of surgery you’re going to need to do almost the same thing regardless.

  86. tracy Shefras says:

    My dog has been suffering on and off for six years with a bleeding tip of his ear. I have tired everything, a stocking over his head, a cone, my own contraption which proved utterly useless. The last and final attempt now is actually working. I have stabilised his ears with duck tape so that his ear is taped loosely to his neck. unfortunately i only did one ear and as soon as he shook the other ear bashed on the tape and started to bleed a little and so as a result i have now basically put a thin strip of DUCK tape round the whole of his head, which he much prefers to all my other methods and it has started to scab up and decrease in size, at last. It does not seem to bother him but i have to remember to change it just after 24 hours are up or it loses its grip and splits again. anyway, touch wood progress is being made so for anyone out there with a similar problem would highly recommend this way. Good luck

  87. tracy Shefras says:

    just wanted to say thanks to Julie if that is the picture of your dog. it reminded me to keep it stable and now I have some progress, so thank you

  88. julie says:

    You’re very welcome. And thank you, for the great suggestion. I’m glad this post has been so helpful to people over the years!

  89. sanya says:

    My Wiem had this problem for 5 years on both ears. Once I took an afternoon nap and he was in the room with me. When I woke up I was covered in blood and so was the entire room. I know….. gross.The carpet and the walls were ruined. The vet suggested I crop both ears, that sounded like an extreme solution for the problem at hand. It was a loosing battle until one ear had a wound so large, the flesh just started to fall off in the form of scab bits. Then it got to the point it just stopped bleeding, healed and never bled again. There is about a 1/2 to 3/4 inch pencil width notch missing from his right ear but he still looks like a Wiem. Then we struggled with his other ear for a year, until he was having surgery for an unrelated issue and the Vet called me asking about his ear and if I wanted the wound cut out and edges sewn together. I told her yes cut the wound out but just sew the two edges of flesh and keep the wedge shape. She took a very small wedge of flesh out and sewed the edges. The notch it left was about the 1/3 inch and it too never bled again. I knew that the impact of this ear smacking into his head was causing the trama to his ear but having the notch helps release that impact energy, Once the small wedge of flesh was removed, that energy at impact met no resistance ( ie. no flesh) and traveled down the either sides of the notch.

    I like Joe’s idea about the double E-collars. I don’t have the bleeding ear problem anymore but now my dog has an ear hematoma. Vet only wants to do surgery but looking at picture and listening to the procedure it sounds really extreme for the problem my dog has. has it drained once and the Vet wouldn’t do it again. I’m going to find another vet to drain it and I’ll use the double E-collars. I need to control those ears.
    Thanks for the helpful info. Sanya

  90. Pingback: My First Puppy Love « A Work in Progress

  91. Shannon Hope says:

    Thanks everyone for their comments and experience. We have been fighting a sore on our Dane’s ear for months with no real success. Same problem as everyone else-starts to heal and then he shakes his head and blood every where. We have laughed before and said that we hope the police never have to come to our house for any thing because of the blood splatter! For the person who was having trouble with the flies our vet gave us an ointment type fly repellant to put on the ears (mostly the tips). It was fairly inexepensive. We are in the middle of a move so I can’t locate it to post the name but it came in a little white tub.

  92. Get well Canela says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!

  93. KAT says:


  94. Sheri Leigh says:

    Thank you so much! I have two pitbulls who both have their natural ears. They always wake me up at the crack of dawn to go outside to potty and eat breakfast. Sawyer, the male who is only a year is super goofy and spoiled and Layla is the 2 year old female who is the big sister. Sawyer just doesn’t understand food manners yet and no matter how many warnings Layla gives him, he’ll still try to eat her food. Well this morning at 6am she finally nipped his ear. It’s the tiniest wound, but it bled EVERYWHERE and of course like you said he shook his head and splattered the blood all over the patio. I’m lucky it happened outside. I tried to hold his ear for about 20 minutes in hopes of stopping the bleeding and helping it clot, but that didn’t happen. So I looked up some tips and came to your blog. I rushed out to Walmart and bought everything you recommended. It seems to have helped. He hated the liquid bandage and I had to sit on him to make him lay still so I could apply it without him shaking his ears. I put 2 “tough” bandaids over it and then some of that flesh colored waterproof medical tape that feels like skin. Now he’s in the Kennel in the living room sleeping it off a bit. Thanks a bunch for posting this and helping me out.

  95. Jenn says:

    My Akita is battling a chronic systemic yeast problem (which was exacerbated by a money grubbing vet who injected him with steroids before I could tell him to bugger off). I almost have his skin under control, except for his head and ears. I have ordered the Zymox, and it should be in tomorrow. That should take care of his head shaking.. and when that stops, I will try the remedies suggested here to heal up the open wound on the tip of his ear. I am so thankful that I found this page! I just want to suggest to those who know their dog has yeast… Zymox drops for the ears; Malaseb for their skin; a grain free diet, coconut oil, and probiotics for their guts (which will also help with the ears and skin). And don’t EVER let a vet tell you that steroids will help your poor baby! It might take away the itching briefly, but all that does is let the yeast get totally out of control before you realize it is still there. Two weeks after the steroids, my once healthy looking dog with itchy ears became a patchy balding dog with nasty ears. It has taken me five long, expensive months (with much muttering and cursing the vet) to get his coat back to some semblance of normality through diet and bathing. All I have left is his poor ears and face… Again.. Thank you for these suggestions!

  96. Bryn says:

    Thanks for all the posts. My boxer got a chunk of her ear bit off on a Friday night. I didn’t want to take her to an animal emergency clinic. i was able to stop the bleeding by using a paper towel folded up and over the ear and a clamp from the garage. (That was my 9 year old son’s idea–pretty smart!!) I made an e-collar with duct tape and two plastic pee chee type folders. It worked great. I took her our vet on Saturday morning and they were impressed. they rewrapped her ear around a roll of gauze and kept it in place with the sticky tape that was referred to in earlier posts. the sticky tape is called Elastikon. It is made by Johnson and Johnson and is available at vet stores and online. The vet also put on a legit e-collar. The vet thinks she should be healed enough in a week to take off the bandaging and e-collar.

  97. Chris Walters says:

    This WOMAN IS CLEARLY A RETARD my god I have never heard so much jabbering in all my life I normally would just hit the back button the second I read all this touchy feel shit right off but my dog needs real help and this retard appears at the top of my google search please lord someone block this site from any google search as to avoid a person needing help with out reading an entire medical journal of band-aids which ones she likes best here is a tip people if your dogs ear is bleeding put some anti bacterial cream on it and medical tape the ear down for a few days.

  98. julie says:

    Hi Chris,

    I agree, it is disappointing that in the four years since I posted this there isn’t a better place for people to find advice. I’m surprised my site still comes up at all.

    I do hope you find the help your dog needs.

    • julie says:

      (Sorry if this caused any confusion earlier; I had to move Chris’s comment from the “Contact” page, and when I went to reply to his remarks here it still posted under his name. Fixed now.)

  99. Jenn says:

    Chris Walters

    You may not appreciate the “Touchy Feely” stuff, but it does help to know what kinds of bandages might work and what won’t. If you think you should just grease it up and tape it down, then do so. Why spend your energy trying to make someone, who so clearly wanted to help, feel bad for posting their experiences? Misery loves company I guess.

    On to my relevant comment… The Zymox drops worked amazingly! And as soon as my Akita stopped shaking his head, I was able to use a large band-aid tough strip and some gauze padding with a little neosporin on it for the tip of his ear (which stands up so no, I could not just “put some anti bacterial cream on it and medical tape it down”). I was so impressed with the Zymox ear drops that I bought the topical spray as well, and have been using it on his face and external parts of his ears, as well as any other sites that are proving hard to rehabilitate. Thank you, Julie, for your effort to help those who are trying to help their pets.

  100. julie says:

    Thanks, Jenn.

    Re. Chris, no worries. I find it amusing that after all these years, I managed to attract one trollish comment.

    Re. your Akita, I’m very glad to hear that he’s doing better! I can’t imagine how tricky it would be to work with the pointy ears.

  101. K. Brown says:

    Hi Julie,

    Thank you Thank you Thank you for posting your experience and for all the other comments that have been made to this post over the years!!! This really is the best thing I’ve read on healing this sort of wound. My pit bull had an ear infection and was shaking her head vigorously and scratching at her ears. I’ve finally cleaned up the ear infection with meds from the vet that worked fine (although Zymox is way less expensive and I will probably use that in the future), but I have not been able to stop the ear tip cut that resulted from all the head shaking. The vet said the cut would clear up on it’s own after the ear infection was gone, but I’ve been dealing with the bleeding problems for 3 months now after the infection was solved. Yes, my house too looks like a forensic scientist’s wet dream. Blood is on the ceilings, walls, rugs, bedspreads, and even her doggie bed looks like she murders small animals in her sleep. I’m going to try your recommendations tonight. I hope this works!

    Chris, I’ve been using the antibiotic cream and medical tape remedy you say works SO WELL for the past 3 months, and needless to say here I am reading this post looking for a BETTER solution. There’s no need for you to be rude about an open and honest discussion on the internet that is just trying to offer up advice to others struggling with the same issue. And using the word retarded for those trying to help is just awful. It’s a much better word choice for someone who posts comments with no punctuation or correct English grammar at all.

  102. JME says:

    Thank you so much for all the help and suggestions. I’m a first time puppy mommy and my pup got attacked at the dog park and she sliced his ear! I couldn’t believe the amount of blood! And when he shook, it did get everywhere! Right now I’ve managed to put a bandage on it after I cleaned it, but that task wasn’t easy! He shook so much, it was hard to get it stuck. But because he is part Great Dane and has long floppy ears, I’ve managed to get it stuck on there. So far after a few shakes it’s still there.
    So thank you for all the tips and suggestions!
    My baby’s first cut…think it hurts me more than him!

  103. Sarah Bishop says:

    Hello, I’m in Surrey England and so relieved to have found this site. My lurcher boy, Bracken is forever nicking the tips of his ears on brambles, then the furious head shaking, blood splatter – well you all know the story. Through trial and error we too have found the really really sticky plaster to be the only real answer. I’ve tried our UK versions of liquid bandage and found that they seem to make the wound larger so when it inevitably gets shaken off, the hole is bigger still! That said, the bandage has slipped and I’ve got to start again. I’ve ‘googled’ sticky plaster remover and discovered that baby oil is the answer to that issue (if you rip the plaster off most of the hair comes with it…). We’ll do the removal and reapplication this evening. Good luck to you all and thank you so much for the shared experience – finding out it is quite common is such a relief!

  104. julie says:

    Hello JME and Sarah, I’m so glad this site has been helpful to you! It’s amazing to me that people are still finding it after all this time 🙂

    I hope your boys are both on the mend soon!

  105. Thanks for writing this entry! My beagles left ear has a cut and I used the liquid band aid! I didn’t thought of it right away. Thanks again!

  106. Stephen B. says:

    Maybe you can help with this. My issue isn’t so much a wound not healing but a nasty ear infection with major head shaking. My baby girl Lexi has an inner ear infection and when she shakes her head you can hear the fluid build up. She is on meds (abx,drops,pred) but is there anything i can do to keep her from shaking so much? Would it do harm if i lightly rolled some gauze and placed it on the surface of her ear to absorb fluid and tape it? I know she’s tired of me telling her to stop shaking her head and it’s making a mess. I know the fluid is normal with a bad infection but there’s got to be something I can do.

    help :o(

  107. julie says:

    Hi Stephen,
    The shaking is always the worst part, it seems. Since Lexi’s already on meds, I don’t know that there’s much that can be done to reduce her irritation. It sounds like the gauze idea might work; it would be worth a try, anyway, and I doubt it would cause any harm so long as the circulation to her ear doesn’t get cut off (from the tape being too tight). Otherwise, I wonder if Joe S‘s solution with the two e-collars might help?

    The only other thing I can think of is another solution I tried before we conquered Lyra’s infections: I made a headsock for her out of an old pillowcase with a drawstring roughly sewn into the top so that she could shake without making a mess and injuring her ears. It did help, but she eventually became quite adept at removing it if memory serves. At the time it seemed a better solution than the e-collar, though.

    I hope you can find a good solution for poor Lexi, and that she is on the mend soon!

  108. Benny says:

    My dog went into a fight recenly and got his ear split 4 inches through to the end. Th gash was dreadful. It was bleeding profusely. It was a Sunday and we had to go to various places before we checked him into a vet hospital. the Vet was kind enough to come back on call. He put him on anae, did a major surgery and applied a couple of stitches. He has to wear acone for 1 month to prevent him fro scratching his ears which would break up the stitches.

  109. alex says:

    Hey I have a Golden Retriever who was itching the side of his head just beside his ears and i noticed blood stains. It seems like he cut it, it doesn’t too serious but i can see a bald spot and its bright pink. I can also tell he’s in pain when I try to clean it.

    All the stores in my area are closed, what can I do to seal the area? Thx.

  110. cordybrown says:

    I would not try to seal it until you know what it is (unless it is dripping blood) . It might be he has scratched open a cyst you were unaware of or has a dermatological issue there that made him scratch in the first place. if it were me, I would clean it with some very mild soap and water or wound wash, rinse well, dry gently and put an e=collar on him (or a rolled up towel donut around his neck) to keep him from scratching it anymore tonight. In the morning, see how it is looking and decide from there.

  111. julie says:

    Hi Alex,

    If it’s close to or on his head, you might not need to seal it so much as just keep him from scratching it, so it will scab over on its own. If you have some on hand, for tonight just regular Cortaid might help the area for soothing, and even better an e-collar if you have one. Some of the earlier suggestions such as alum or styptic powder would be good, too. If you have a regular first-aid kit, there’s probably something in it that can help for the moment.

    Since he’s got a bald spot, he could have some type of skin infection or allergy that you might not have noticed before, something very itchy. I’d suggest taking him in to the vet to find out what’s going on, because if the itch isn’t treated he’ll keep scratching and the wound will get worse. For the longer term, it doesn’t hurt to keep some Zymox with cortizone on hand; that stuff really saved my dog’s skin, and once you know what’s going on it might save you some trips to the vet. But do see the vet.

    I hope this helps, and I hope your Golden is better soon!

    (I see Cordybrown is a faster typist than I am! Pithier, too…)

    • cordybrown says:

      Hah. Pithy is a complement to a New Englander, for sure. Its not so much that i am a fast typist but just that I was reviewing old posts on this thread for ideas for my Vizsla’s latest bandage shedding-bleeding profusely ear snag when Alex’s post came into my inbox. Alex, it might be good to take a look in the ear also and perhaps flush gently with ear wash. Since they lack thumbs or access to Q- tips, some dogs will dig and dig and dig at the outside of the ear when something is irritating the inside of their ear (seed, tick, dirt, scab, yeast or even trapped water). We had a GSP who got a barbed seed (like a foxtail but not) in her ear and it got imbedded and she formed a cyst which she then broke open from the outside just in front of her ear opening.. If you see something in the ear, I recommend having the vet take it out so you don’t inadvertently force it further in.

  112. alex says:

    thanks guys, i just cleaned it with soap and water/ I hate the vet in my area, seems incompetent and the last time I visited him he overcharged me for various medications, outrageous receipt. I haven’t sealed the area as it seems like hes not itching it anymore but he is resting his head (cut site). I will visit my nearby pet store (organic pet store) for solutions! I really appreciate the fast response!

  113. alex says:

    hey another question, the blood stains from my dogs wound has caused the hair to be wet and stuck together… how do i loosen up the hair safely (around/on the wound) so that i can cut the hair? can i wet it with milk and comb it down?

  114. Julie says:

    Milk would probably work; I wouldn’t have thought of that, but it’s probably pretty effective. Assuming it’s pasteurized, it might even be sterile, which would be good if it gets too close to the wound. I don’t know what effect it would have if there’s an underlying skin infection, though; do you know yet if it’s just a simple cut or part of a larger problem?

    You could also try a non-stinging saline wound wash solution (for first-aid you can usually find a sterile solution at your local drug store). Either way is probably fine, I’m sure it’ll just be a relief to have the excess blood out of the hair.

  115. lshane says:

    Just wanted to add a thank you for posting this. my dog ran into a wall and sliced the tip of his ear. Thanks!

  116. Charity A says:

    Just found this post, and THANK YOU. I also have a female vizsla who does the exact same things you described. I’ve been trying to heal her ear for a bit now and all the bandages I’ve used have been horrible. The closest I came was the bright-colored plastic Band-Aid ones for staying on. I would also like to recommend using Dr. Harvey’s Organic Healing cream ( to help speed the healing. I put it on after cleaning the wound with witch hazel and let it absorb before covering it (while petting my girl and telling her how good she is). I will look for the liquid bandage you recommended though! The brush-on stuff has helped a little, but not enough. Thank you sooooooo much! I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who has/is having this issue!

    • julie says:

      Hi Charity,

      thanks for the link to the healing cream, it sounds like a good addition to a first aid kit. Re. the liquid Band-Aid, I’m not sure they make it any more. A quick online search shows it’s still available from a place or two online, but I suspect those are packages that have been sitting around for a long time.

      Unfortunate, because it worked really well, but understandable because it was challenging to apply – you had to carefully place drops on a little applicator that had a chemical in it to activate the drops, then dab the applicator over the injury, but quickly enough that the stuff didn’t dry and get too tacky. For most people, it was probably just too many steps when a regular band aid would work just as well.

      Searching on Amazon, you might try looking for “wound closure adhesive” or similar terms. Quite a few products come up, both veterinary and for human use, though they tend to be on the expensive side.

  117. Sarah Holly's mum says:

    Excellent ! Thanks for starting and keeping this advice line going for so long. My 16 month JRT had her ear bitten by a rabbit at 5 months old (did her street cred with other terriers no good at all !). The wound did heal up, after weeks of scratching, blood splatter, etc. However, in the last couple of weeks (whilst playing roughly with her spaniel boyfriend) she has now got a small nick in exactly the same spot as before. It seems to scab over, then there’s the super speedy head shake and we have blood & gore all over again. The scab seems to get bigger every time. The one that fell off today was the size of a bean. Another thing that worries me is that the veins along her ear flap going down towards the wound seem really prominent right now. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain, swims in sea with it, doesn’t scratch, plays like crazy, runs in terrier races, did agility today with no probs, but I really want it to heal properly. I’m off tomorrow to find liquid bandage, some antiseptic spray and that eastern herbal stuff. So hoping it all works for her.

  118. Katie says:

    I have this same problem with my boxer. Last year it happened to his left ear and took months to heal and now it’s on his right ear which is a little worse especially during this season bc he has been getting dirty so hes had several bathes and also he LOVES to play in the water so of course it breaks the scab and blood goes everywhere. It has been 2 months and still not completely healed, I’m so tired of it. I have spent too much money on magic erasers lol! And I have been using “New Skin, liquid bandage” it works for a little while, but he somehow manages to break it again. I am going to try everyones suggestions. Thank you for your tips and tricks everyone!!!

  119. Rachael says:

    Ok so all this stuff is great but my problem is I hav a lab and great Dane, my lab chews the Danes ears!! That’s why they’re bleeding 😦 if I put any bandages on the Danes ears my lab will just chew them off!! Please help!

    • Sarah Holly's mum says:

      Well I do have a suggestion but you may not like it ! Put a smear of hot chilli paste or mustard on the ears but NOT (!) anywhere near an open or bleeding bit. Theory is that your lab will associate ear chewing with a nasty burning mouth and stop doing it. Better still get a high pitched screamin attack alarm or similar and lie in wait to set it off each time a bit of chewing starts. Try both and the labs hearing and taste will get assaulted. If your lab has the urge to chew I suggest also providing lots of more appropriate chewing objects. Have you tried antler chews ?

    • Rachael says:

      Yes I hav tried everything bones doys chews etc ! Im worried he’s doing it cuz he actually likes the taste of the flesh/blood? An of course being a grate Dane with floppy ears he constantly shakes his head an makes it worse aswel as blood spots going everywhere

    • Sarah Holly's mum says:

      You are right of course…blood is food to any dog ! Of course your lab loves the taste, being a carnivore. Dogs will lick anything with blood on it, they’re really not fussy at all and as human we sometimes find this shocking. Your lab seems to have learnt that the more he licks and chews the more blood there is…so he licks and chews more…so the ears bleed more…etc. He is not associating it at all with hurting or damaging or even eating your Dane. Your Dane is obviously not yelping in pain or telling the lab off for his behaviour. Therefore it’s ended up as your job to break the cycle, which is proving tricky. My advice is just try and think like your dog. What does the lab hate most ? What abhores his senses most ? Teach him that ear chewing results in whatever those things may be so instead of loving the taste of Dane blood he associates the taste of Dane blood with horrible noise, squirt with something he hates, hot burning sensation in mouth, etc. You may well laugh but if Holly is being naughty I just put my hand towards the pot where I used to keep the nails clippers, she instantly stops, I don’t even have to say anything. Sorry for wonky typing by the way, I am balancing notebook on a cushion which Holly has buried under and is now vigourously chewing a rawhide bone…bless !

  120. julie says:

    Oh, that sounds frustrating. I can only second Sarah Holly’s mum; coat the ears with something that tastes awful to your lab, and then watch him. Every time he starts chewing, do something startling – the noise could work, or my dogs always hated getting sprayed with water from a squirt bottle (though some dogs love that, so whatever works for your dog). Also, if he does it while you’re away, I’d suggest crating one or both dogs so he can’t get at the ears.

  121. Pingback: Bleeding Ears - Boxer Forum : Boxer Breed Dog Forums

  122. C_Ivy says:

    Question about the liquid bandage for those of you who’ve tried it. We’ve got a pharaoh hound mix who’s had a cut for a couple months now – blood specks, vet bandage, the works. He shakes, the wound opens again, etc., etc. Glad to know it’s common! The last trip to the vet, she applied “tissue glue” (aka – super glue/liquid bandage) in a very thin layer. It opened as soon as we got home so I put more on at home. And again the next day. And again the next day. The problem is it keeps cracking and oozing blood. At this point, I’d like to get it off and start over, but I’m not sure how to get it off without doing more damage to his ear. With the liquid bandage, should I still use the band-aid over it? Our other problem is that he is too smart for his own good sometimes and, like Houdini can get out of anything – including the e-coller. So, I need a solution that he won’t mess with. He’d tear a band-aid off his ear the second I stepped out the door. Or, he’d wiggle his way out of the e-collar (VERY narrow head – imagine a greyhound shape) THEN get the band-aid off… Any ideas?

    • julie says:

      That sounds like a tough one. I did use a band-aid over the liquid bandage, but if memory serves I also used the sticky vet tape over that, since it was more likely to adhere to fur. Even so, it sounds like your dog would manage to get the tape off as mine often did.

      You might try attaching the e-collar to his regular collar, assuming the regular one stays in place. The e-collars I’ve seen always have small holes around the base of the cone just for this reason. Or if the regular collar won’t stay on, you could try attaching it to a harness.

  123. angelina says:

    My morkie keeps on scratching her left ear and i checked What was wrong.but she can’t hear from the left wat because she has her ear hole close and the other one open.Please i need help im feeling so very sad for my dog’s ear.

  124. julie says:

    Hi Angelina,
    That sounds like a pretty serious problem. I think your best bet is to take her in to a good vet to have the ear examined. I hope you are able to get the help your dog needs!

  125. Elizabeth says:

    Someone might have already said this, I haven’t read all the replies, but the best extra sticky tape is Elastikon. We use for bandaging horses, its a little expensive but worth it!!

  126. Rachel says:

    Thank you so much for posting this!! My sister in law has a dog that has been scratching at an open wound and they cannot afford to take her to the vet…I sent her the steps and she was so happy to hear she was able to “fix” her dog, she started crying. I can’t thank you enough for Posting!!!

  127. Christie says:

    Very energetic article, I enjoyed that bit. Will there be a part 2?

  128. Grace says:

    I found your post via a google search and was so shocked to see a similar looking dog! We have a Viszla/Lab puppy who LOVES to play with dogs at the park. It’s the ONLY way to get his energy out but with his cut on the tip of his ear, it will never heal if he’s playing with other dogs. We will try the Liquid Band-aid and see what happens.

  129. Just accidentally made my Redbone hound mix yelp trying to get a look at his ear. That’s what we get for a trip to the dog park! I’ve been massaging Neosporin on the cut. It’s so tiny but right on the tip of his ear. Tried Benadryl too to calm him a bit and because I know that healing tends to itch. We found a natural yucca treatment at 1-800-PetMeds. With a bit of peanut butter he seems unfazed by its bitterness. (We got it for our cat who had some kind of major reaction out of nowhere and licked a sizeable bald spot on his haunch.) The flapping has lessened but a scab remains, and it obviously hurts him. I’ll see what I can do when I’ve got another set of hands to help me! Thanks so much.

  130. Isla says:

    Thank you so much for writing about your experience – and for posting pictures/drawings of your sweet dog! Our 1 year old black lab/hound mix, Carly, sliced her ear on a barbed wire fence yesterday – and your blog described almost exactly what we experienced. Since an emergency room visit is not in our budget – and my husband is a former Army Combat Medic – we’ve attempted to repair the damage to her sliced ear… I am going to try the Bandaid Liquid Bandage stuff this morning.
    I realize you posted this several years ago – but wanted to say thank you just the same!
    Happy New Year!
    Isla – and the Johnson Family along with Carly the Dog

  131. Sedgely says:

    Here are some important points we would like to make from our experience.

    Our dog was bitten on the tip of his ear and bandaged & wrapped by the vet. That lasted less than half an hour. The bandage is annoying and it only took a few seconds head shaking to have the ear out. We re-wrapped immediately and, with vigilant monitoring, got 4 more hours before it needed wrapping again. Each time the wrapping was shaken off blood was flying. It took 4 attempts but we finally we cobbled together something that lasted for a couple of days, long enough to start the healing. Over the next five days we didn’t leave his side but learned a few things about what works and doesn’t work.

    1. I believe almost everyone who uses sticky tape that stretches, like the vets use, is applying it too tight and causing circulation and breathing problems. It’s almost impossible not to apply it without stretching it somewhat and when you wind several layers it acts like a boa constrictor. Believe it or not, duct tape is stickier and less likely to tighten and choke your dog.
    2. The two major problems is not how much layering and what materials are best, it is once you apply them how to keep them in place without sliding off the damaged ear, ’cause he will shake. Duct tape placed on the fur and the bandage to anchor it we found works best. We found that we got −24 hours out of every wrapping. The key is not too loose or too tight. Someone must always be with the dog or there is the chance the wrapping will come undone and he will shake, taking you back to square one.
    3. The first day when it bled each time the wrapping came off we used, hydrogen peroxide to disinfect, cornstarch to stop the bleeding, polysporin or liquid bandage before wrapping again. We used a Band-Aid blister bandage directly over the tip of the ear before wrapping.
    3. Unfortunately, the dog must wear a cone, so they don’t rub the ear against walls or sharp edges or claw at it with their paw. The doughnut worked well for eating and bathroom breaks but cranked his neck unnaturally when sleeping and lying down. We switched to the cone for resting.
    4. To begin the wrapping process we first folded the injured ear over the dogs head with a gentle fold then placed a strip of duct tape at right angles to the ear, across the blister bandage, stuck to the fur on both sides. This prevented the ear from moving around inside the wrap, which happened during a few of the earlier attempts. We found the wider 4″ gaze much better than the 2″. We made slits for both ears on the first go around to help it from sliding off. Then wrapped in a figure 8 behind the good ear and over the injured ear.

    How long does it take to heal? To be safe I would continue for at least 5 to 7 days, otherwise the injury may break open again. Each time it reopens it will take longer and longer to re-heal. People report problems for weeks or months if you aren’t fastidious right away. Injuring the ear over and over again is very painful for the dog., Someone, or two someones, should always be with the dog in case the bandage comes off. Once again, we would like to emphasize that sticky tape is dangerous when applied too tight and everyone it seems applies it too tightly.

    • Julie says:

      Those are some great points. It’s been a long time now since I had this trouble, but I do remember how the sticky tape stretched, like a sticky Ace bandage. We managed never to choke our dog, but she would get bruises on her ear from having it held in place so tightly. Duct tape is a great suggestion. Thanks!

  132. jessica sweeney says:

    I have a hemophiliac black lab mix, got her from the local pound. She has a very hard time clotting and bruises easily. She once got a cut on her tounge that wouldn’t stop bleeding. Vet said try a drop of superglue. Well my gosh that worked immediately! Good thing we figured that out because fast forward 6 months and she developed a big aural hematoma. We tried to fix it non surgically but the ear continued to get worse each day. The vet wrapped it and tried to decrease the swelling but it wouldn’t help just continued to worsen and bleed through the back of her ear (which I am told doesn’t happen to often. Unfortunately the vet had to amputate our baby’s ear this week but she seems to be doing well. In order for the vet to get her through the surgery he use 4 tubes of superglue. Otherwise she wouldn’t have survived. I have the head wrapped with an ace bandage wrapped using the good ear as an anchor. I started under the chin and wrapped around the good ear. I also plug any break through bleeding with superglue for the first few days then she started to really improve and the bleeding all but stopped. She also has to wear the E collar to keep from hurting herself further. Thanks for all of the helpful suggestions.

    • julie says:

      Poor pooch, I hope she gets better quickly!

      That’s a great point about superglue. The original BandAid liquid I used a few years ago is no longer on the market, but it was basically superglue.

  133. Karen Wright says:

    We have a Great Dane that has a problem with scratched ears that bleed for days. I have resorted to using a mixture of oragel (numbing medicine used for teething babies), triple antibiotic and hydrocortizone cream on a paper towel to hold pressure until the bleeding stops then use bandaid held tightly to now numb ear until it sticks. Another stopbleed product that does not sting is bentonite clay (available at health food stores). It crusts like flour and has antimicrobial properties. How this helps someone.

  134. Carrie says:

    We are dealing with the exact same problem and even ended up at the animal hospital two days ago becuse the cut just bled so much it was dripping and wouldn’t stop. The vet sedated her, cleaned the cut and taped it back. It looked very professional but came off within twenty minutes of getting home without her even trying anything. We went back and they tucked the ear back in then added a sleeve and some tape. That lasted overnight but yesterday she rubbed it loose and before we could put it back she shook the cut open again. So we taped it some more. Then she got it out again. We took the vet’s stuff off and tried our own including a bandaid. Taped that to her head. But no tape seems to hold. Right now we have her back in a cone with a bandaid and guaze taped over that, taped to the top of her head then held in place with the top of a pair of tights (cut like a sleeve you might put over a wound on your forearm. I hope something works. I was wondering how long it tends to take your dogs ear to heal? I don’t have liquid bandaid on it now it seems silly to take the bandaid off since it is sticking so well.

  135. julie says:

    If the BandAid is sticking, leave it there for as long as it will stay. It’s been a long time now since I’ve had this trouble, but if memory serves it took at least four days, and possibly even longer, depending on the severity of the cut.

    One other thing I eventually did, which ended up working well, is described here (the post and comments):

    • Laura Fulton says:

      I use yarrow root tincture (I make it out of the flowers of yarrow steeped in water) as it keeps the swelling down and helichrysum essential oil stops the bleeding for my dog who has an ear tip bleed- I used the large bandaids and then duct taped his ear to his neck so he couldn’t flap his long weimaraner ears : ) Dozer would NOT tolerate his ear on his head

  136. April says:

    Thank you so much for this post!! I used the BandAid Advanced Healing on my Dachsund’s ear last night & it worked great! My house was starting to look like a crime scene, so thanks for the excellent recommendations!

  137. kelley says:

    Im so glad I found this site! My black lab wrestled with a tangle vine on a hike today and I didn’t even realize hed gotten so injured until all the blood dripping from his ear tip. He dosnt have the head shake to worry about thankfully, but I was clueless that an ear cut is going to be a big problem. So far Ive done arnica and a soft rolled out sticky guaze secured in place with suture tape. Its not a long term and I make sure to stay with him. I figured the bleeding had stopped and then of course, the next time we walked outside he was dripping a crime scene as he walked through the house. I added iodine to the last wrap (and a relented to a pain med, it was a tough hike and he is an old pup) and am so thankful to know to go buy the Vetericyn tomorrow morning. Thank you for the insight.

  138. kandygrrrl says:

    I can’t believe that this page has been here so long and is still the best advice for the doggy ear bleeding issues. We came across it last weekend after our female managed to rip the tip of the male lab mix’s ear. It looks like Ozzy had an earring ripped out. Not so bad to go to the vet, but because it’s on the ear, oh, the blood. There is another brand of liquid bandage on the market, called NuSkin. Baby powder didn’t help stop the bleeding, keeping pressure on the wound didn’t help, the self-stick gauze didn’t stay on more than a minute. Hubby and I managed a beautiful wrap job with the Johnson&Johnson self-stick gauze (pet stores were closed, so no access to vetwrap), and it was wriggled off after a minute. Anything we tried to attach directly to the ear just slipped right off. A few coats of NuSkin got it to stop. It smells like nail polish, and you paint it on just like nail polish. We dosed him with benadryl since he is so very wiggly. We also put an e-collar on him. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to have someone with him every day, all day, for the first week.
    The first day, I was able to be home part of the time, and unfortunately, my lunch break was spent fixing his ear – twice. He slipped out of the e-collar when I was taking him out to go potty, and one big shake, and the living room looked like a crime scene. Turns out, you need to put the NuSkin on more than the 2-3 times a day for the first few days, more like every 2 hours or so, and/or keep the dog chilled out, in our case, crated. The evening of the first day, he broke the e-collar. I bought another one, since the pet store was still open. On the second day, husband went home from our lunch together to find the new collar chewed. Duct tape fixed that, temporarily. On the fourth day, the new collar was in shreds on the floor when I got home in the afternoon. I found the less-broken old e-collar and duct taped it back together at the seams. On the fifth day, that was in shreds in the crate. So far, he hasn’t busted his ear back open since the third day, so I’m hoping that we can get away without the collar now since it’s been a week. Fortunately, he’s been sweet and patient with all the messing with his ear. I thought for sure it would be the other dog who would have ear injuries, since he is always chewing on her ears and jumping on her. Last weekend he was ripping hard on her ears. Yet he was the one who got his ear ripped.

    • Julie says:

      Hi Kandygrrrl, and thanks. I seem to recall (way back when – I can’t believe this page still gets so many hits, either!) that we tried NuSkin, and as you said it didn’t last for more than a couple of hours. Also, our girl managed to violently shake it off, and it would tear the wound even more as she shook it. If you can get it to work, though, it would be a great solution – I hope your boy continues to heal!

      Funny how some dogs can be so sweet-tempered about all the fuss. Our Lyra suffered a host of problems most of her life (in hindsight, I suspect she had some autoimmune issues), but no matter how much our helping hurt, she never tried to bite or get aggressive. Our other dog is very healthy, and we’ve always suspected she wouldn’t handle things half so well 🙂

  139. candie says:

    Thanks really worried definitely will try my blue tick coon hound came home. With chronic open wound. Skin pulled way back .so just use liquid band aid did vet say this was ok

  140. Sue says:

    Compelling reading as I sit nursing my 2 yo pointer x blue heeler with his stitched ear. 2 x visit to vet for full anesthetic and now 10 stitches. First lot lasted 3 days before he scratched through the bandages. Second lot I have him in a stretchy sticky bandage that I had from a knee injury. It’s been taped down over and around his ear and head and neck. Not too tight as I can still slip fingers under the bandage. Most of all its the head shaking that undies the bandage. Then he nuzzles his head into the garden bushes to scratch at it. He’s broken the cone so many times all you can see is duct tape on it. So it was suggested to sedate the dog for the period of a week while it heals. Poor puppy is copy but calm and isn’t interested in vigorously running about.
    Forensics here would exclaim from the blood splatter. Worst of the bleeding was Shen I copped a mouthful of splatter:( I’ve tried almost everything mentioned here. Best advice came from my naturopath vet McDowell herbs recommended rescue remedy (for me and dog) and colloidal silver as an anti bacterial wash. Topically use calendula cream as a skin healer when the stitches are out next week. Thanks to all who have posted here. Very informative. We live our fur friends!!

    • Eater of Worlds says:

      Colloidal silver does not work as an antibacterial wash. Here’s one study of many about how it is worthless as an antimicrobial agent:

      You risk argyria if you get it in open wounds, since it doesn’t kill bacteria why do something that may turn your dog’s skin blue?

      Here’s more discussion about the uselessness of colloidal silver:

      So, at best useless and at worst skin changing. Definitely something that shouldn’t be used.

    • Sue says:

      Well mostly the literature points to consumption of colloidal silver being ineffective. I used it topically. Simply -it worked. I don’t need scientific proof that something works or doesn’t. I only needed my dog healed. This is all and that is what happened. People posting here need encouragement and support for their dogs problems – not to be discouraged from trying when conventional treatments have failed.

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  148. Michelle Tallon says:

    Thank you so much for the best info on the internet. My 13 yr old Weim had an ear infection last year and the drops that the vet gave him made him deaf within 2 days. OK, we can live with that. Max has always shaken his head, especially when excited, since we got him from a rescue group 6 years ago but lately he has done it more and his ears are clear according to the vet. (He does have allergies and is currently on meds for that). I am going to try the Zymox though to see if that helps. 2 weeks ago I noticed a couple of spots on the tip of his ear that had bled and scabbed up but would bleed a bit when he got the propellers going. I even thought that he may have some how gotten other cuts because the top of his head, at the base of his other ear and under his neck had blood. Turns out that is just where the bloody ear would hit when flopping the ears. I took him to the vet to get it taped up etc knowing how nasty this can become If you let it go. Max is taped and brought him back a week later. Vet takes him to the back to be checked and rebandaged. Well guess what, the vet tech “accidentally” cut off 1 1/2 to 2″ off of the tip of his ear when cutting off the tape! I am still sad, angry, no, livid! that this happened. The only good out of this is that the ear will probably heel better than the open wound. So here we are waiting for this to heal going through numerous trials of taping. They have his ear folded over and taped with the very sticky cloth tape but is very irritating to the skin when removed. (I will have to ask them if they use an oil based remover or if they just yank it off) then they have a light cotton sleeve over it and taped around his head at the top and bottom and then covered with a stretchy, very open weave, sleeve over that that is taped around the head and neck. He is living in a cone that we have cut down lengthwise to the bare minimum that keeps him from reaching it with his back paws. This shorter cone enables him to eat and drink easier (because his nose is longer than the cone) and he can actually barrel his way through the 2 doggie doors required to get outside. It also spares our legs and maybe is even sparing the woodwork a bit. We found that the ‘clic’ collar is easier to use than the one that requires you to thread the plastic “strap” through the holes every time. He now has tiny, bloody, open wounds on the other ear tip from violent shaking due to bandages etc irritating him. Just can’t win sometimes. I put a Band-Aid Large Adhesive Pad (Comfort Flex) 2 7/8″x4″ pad folded over the tip and it is holding remarkably well. The sides of the Band-Aid are stuck to themselves with the ends on his fur. I tried tucking it up under the other sleeves but it didn’t stay when he shook so I just let it hang free. He is still in the cone and he has shaken but the bandage is staying on! If it comes off I will re-bandage and go the duct tape to the neck route. Nice that Duct Tape comes in so many colors now! I am off to find some of the other products mentioned by yourself and others. Thanks again for giving us hope that this problem can be solved!

    • Sue says:

      Hi Michelle
      It is an ordeal when you are going through it however there will be a time when it heals over again. Beward that when the ear is bandaged that it doesn’t create a moist warm environment for bugs to multiply. My pointer had his ear bandaged back over his head towards his neck to stop the flip flop of ears on shaking making it bleed. What happened was a raging bacterial infection that was far more painful to him than the 3 sets of stiches we endured. The bacteria went into his ear and down the back of his neck. After a full anethestic (4th in 5 weeks) shaving his ear and neck and applying topical antibacterial/antiseptic/analgesic cream from the vets for 3 weeks it is now looking better. It was a horrible smelly necretising pussy oozing mess. Check the ear bandaged is not pussing or ozzing anything and is 100% dry. We had him on sedatives for 2 weeks to keep him calm (poor dopey thing). The cone takes some battering. I retaped mine up with masking tape several times and then got a second one which kind of helped in the battered disrepare state as he bounded through doorways or in the yard trying to rub his ear up against the garden. I hope you are looking for another vet as this is negligent practice. I’d ask for a FULL refund on the treatment and further costs associated in the care of your dog.
      All the best.

    • Michelle Tallon says:

      Thank you for your concern. I will certainly keep an eye on the wound. I made a list yesterday and went to the vet and got everything that was recommended on this blog and all materials that I might need to re-bandage Max if need be. (Gratis) My actual vet returned yesterday after being on vacation for the week that all of this was happening. He is truly beside himself that this has happened and is working to make it right. I believe there will be some changes/extra training involved in the near future. As for the ear drops/deafness episode it was totally unexpected and in doing some research, is a very rare occurrence. Not something that the vet could have controlled.
      I am pretty sure that Max will be taken care of for the rest of his life.

      I hope that your pointer is well on the road to recovery and that there are no relapses. At times it may be a challenge taking care of them but I know I would not have it any other way!

      Take Care.

  149. Melissa says:

    We too have a crime scene in our house lol the picture looks just like our first attempt at helping our ridgeback. I called the vet and they told me all they would do is try to wrap it and laughed sounds like this is more common than not. We will be trying you bandage we did get liquid bandaid prio but without wrapping it or bandaging it he reopened the wound in the morning by whipping his ears around. These poor dogs.

  150. It’s hard to come by experienced people for this topic, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about!

  151. Katie says:

    Thankyou – same problem here with our mastiff/great dane cross – the ear wound is just getting bigger and bigger – we have been spraying it with spay elastoplast, but it’s not doing much – and e too have blood EVERYWHERE – if CSI ever come with their gear they will think we have butchered 100 dogs! About to try a band aid with tape over it – and a collar on top of that if needed! Hope it works as he keeps shing his head and whimpering when he catches his ear on something!

    • Laura Fulton says:

      I would place a bandaid over the tip of the ear (if that where the wound is) and put something over his head like a snood or a cut up sleeve from a long sleeve t shirt to keep the ear form being able to break open again. Dozer has very long ears so I actually would put a bandaid over the tip and then duct tape his ear to his neck. I worked with many holistic vets and use yarrow root tincture on the tip of his ear. I also used a chinese herb called Yunnan Baiyao that is for bleeding. Geranium and helichrysum essential oils help with bleeding too-I am still cleaning up blood splats from years ago!! Hope this helps-

  152. Kim says:

    I have the same problem… What products are you using??? I used bandages he just flaps Em off!!! I have specks of blood all over… Can’t take it!!

  153. Laura Fulton says:
    these are the bandaids I used and then to keep him from flapping I either duct taped his ear down or put a snood on him.

  154. Dena says:

    Try hypafix – dressing retention sheets – I work at a hospital and was able to get a box. It’s sticky gauze which you can wrap around the bandage and it sticks to the fur. Best solution I’ve got!

  155. What a great site! I’ve been getting a bit frustrated at trying to fix my Wolfhounds ear, she’s so sweet about my failures, just holds my arm (gently!) in her mouth. Will see how things go with hairy ears 🙂

  156. Niki says:

    This may seem slightly bizarre but, our vet recommended this and it has been a life saver and cost efficient! My 9 month old Great Dane was attacked at the dog park over the weekend and lost the tip of his ear :(. The vet saved as much as he could but the other dog had done too much damage. Anyways, after doing a fantastic job in wrapping his ears up to hold them tight, sure enough a couple shakes once he woke up from his surgery and BAM, just like that the bandage was off. We struggled into the next morning with reapplying more and more bandages until we decided to call the vet back. He recommended buying pantyhose, cutting off the tip and wrapping it around his head. This has helped him so much in his healing process!! No, he still does not like it. However, with some cloth nylon tape using to secure the pantyhose, there is no shaking hard enough to get that off and his wound can breathe! His ear is healing great and hopefully within a couple more days he will be able to take it off at least during the daytime so we can keep an eye on it.

    • julie says:

      Thanks, Nikki – that’s a great suggestion. If memory serves, I tried pantyhose at one point with my dog, but her fur was just too slick even with tape, and it wouldn’t stay up. For a lot of dogs, though, I bet it would work well.

  157. Denis Baker says:

    This is how we did it. It worked for us.

    Wound On Dog’s Ear Slow To Heal Or Not Healing At All Due To Scratching, Rubbing And Shaking Of Ears

    Supplies Needed: Disinfectant, Silver Nitrate, Band Aids, Gorilla Tape

    1. Clean wound with Disinfectant.
    2. Cauterize wound with Silver Nitrate.
    3. Apply several Band Aids over and around wound.
    4. Apply several narrow strips of Gorilla Tape over, around and overlapping the Band Aids so that the Gorilla Tape will stick to the hair and skin of the ear creating a patch.
    5. Position the ear in its natural shape, not in a bind, and keep dry.
    6. Leave patch on for 1 week monitoring the ear daily for any irregularities, excessive rubbing or irritation.
    7. If patch comes off reapply per the steps above. Cauterize if necessary.
    8. After 1 week remove the patch and check on progress.
    9. If needed, reapply new patch per the steps above for another week and continue monitoring daily.
    10. Based on what the wound looks like and the surrounding area of the ear continue as needed. Additional cauterizing with Silver Nitrate may be necessary.
    11. Do not use creams or lotions until wound completely heals, as this will make area too soft and pliable and allow wound to continue to break open and bleed.
    12. After patch is removed, continue to monitor daily until area is completely healed.

    Learning from our mistakes, the keys are to cauterize with Silver Nitrate, use Gorilla Tape, no creams and lotions and the overlapping of the Gorilla Tape over the Band Aids. The overlapping of the tape allows the patch to stick, not come off and almost become part of the ear. Our dog tolerated this way better than we expected and now has a very nice looking healed ear.

    Denis Baker
    March 2014

  158. Jill cockfield says:

    Our dog had surgery last week for a haematoma, she has her ear taped down, bandaged and is wearing a cone. The vet told us to clean the wound daily with salt water and the apply honey and recover the wound. This morning when we looked at it the stitches had come undone and there was slight bleeding, she has been shaking her head repeatedly so I think this must be the reason the stitches have broken. It’s Easter so no vets are open, should we just recover it and take her back tomorrow or do we need help today? She’s on painkillers and antibiotics so is not in any discomfort.

  159. julie says:

    Hi Jill,

    If the bleeding is slight, and if it were me, I would clean as usual and re-bandage. If this surgery was last week (as in, seven days or more), hopefully the stitches are healing up. Sometimes, in my experience, after a week or more stitches will start to come out a little on their own as the body heals, and even if there’s a little bleeding it’s not necessarily a bad sign. Hopefully this is the case with your dog.

    If shaking is a problem, devising a “soft” cone – for instance (as Niki suggested a couple of weeks ago) out of pantyhose if they will hold in place on her fur – to go between her head and the hard cone might help a lot. With a soft cone, they can still shake, but usually not enough to break open the wound.

    If the bleeding worsens despite your efforts, you should probably take her in, but if it stays light, there’s probably nothing to worry about as long as it stays bandaged and clean.

    Good luck!

    • Denis Baker says:

      The advice you are getting is very good. I posted a comment a couple of weeks ago about what worked for us. It involves making a bandage out of Gorilla Tape. Here it is again. Since you are not starting from scratch and have the benefit of the stiches you probably do not need the silver nitrate and the cauterizing. Hope this gives you some helpful tips to think about.

      Wound On Dog’s Ear Slow To Heal Or Not Healing At All Due To Scratching, Rubbing And Shaking Of Ears

      Supplies Needed: Disinfectant, Silver Nitrate, Band Aids, Gorilla Tape

      Clean wound with Disinfectant.
      Cauterize wound with Silver Nitrate.
      Apply several Band Aids over and around wound.
      Apply several narrow strips of Gorilla Tape over, around and overlapping the Band Aids so that the Gorilla Tape will stick to the hair and skin of the ear creating a patch.
      Position the ear in its natural shape, not in a bind, and keep dry.
      Leave patch on for 1 week monitoring the ear daily for any irregularities, excessive rubbing or irritation.
      If patch comes off reapply per the steps above. Cauterize if necessary.
      After 1 week remove the patch and check on progress.
      If needed, reapply new patch per the steps above for another week and continue monitoring daily.
      Based on what the wound looks like and the surrounding area of the ear continue as needed. Additional cauterizing with Silver Nitrate may be necessary.
      Do not use creams or lotions until wound completely heals, as this will make area too soft and pliable and allow wound to continue to break open and bleed.
      After patch is removed, continue to monitor daily until area is completely healed.

      Learning from our mistakes, the keys are to cauterize with Silver Nitrate, use Gorilla Tape, no creams and lotions and the overlapping of the Gorilla Tape over the Band Aids. The overlapping of the tape allows the patch to stick, not come off and almost become part of the ear. Our dog tolerated this way better than we expected and now has a very nice looking healed ear.

      Denis Baker
      March 2014

  160. K9s4moi says:

    I used Band-Aid Extra Large Tough Strips, but added a layer of nonstick sterile gauze to the center of the band-aid, making sure the tip of the ear was in the center of both, then folded band-aid over each side of the ear. I let my Boxer’s natural ears hand down after being bandaged, and held them in place with Tape Free Elastic Stretch Net placed over his head/ears ( in lieu of panty hose). Then, he had to wear a soft e-collar inside of a plastic e-collar. When he did shake, the net did a good job of not allowing the ears to flap against his head. And, if the ears did escape the netting, the soft e-collar softened the blow to the ears without re-opening the wound. We changed the band-aids ever 2 days, as long as they were scabbing correctly & dry.

  161. K9s4moi says:

    ***I bought all items @CVS

  162. julie says:

    Hi K9s4moi, thanks for reading and for your thoughtful comments! It sounds like you discovered a good combination of strategies for your Boxer. How long did it take for his ears to heal?

  163. Diane Cooper says:

    Wow…. you just described our issue. It was a battle all last winter (seemed to be a cold thing- from shaking his ears). Now it has started again, and its not even that cold yet!!! Will try someof your suggestions! Thanks for sharing!

  164. Amy says:

    My dog cut the tip of her ear I tried everything. The vet gave me a tranquilizer to keep the dog calm and we used a telfa pad and a paper clip to apply pressure. So far she is sleeping and she hasn’t messed with her ear and the paper clip has stayed on when she shook her head.

  165. says:

    Thank you SO much for posting this. I think I’ve paid more in vet bills in the last month than I paid to adopt my dog from the rescue and NOTHING has helped. His scratching started from a routine ear cleaning from them vet (he is apparently allergic to the solution they used). He ended up scratching two gashes in each of his ears and I have been finding teeny tiny blood splatter all over my house and bed for days like a crime scene. I feel like I finally can have some relief from this now and he can hopefully go back to his normal self and stop with the earthquake shaking of his head at all hours of the night. I’m nervous about the removal of the tape though-has anyone had any trouble with that or can anyone provide me tips on how to make that a smoother process other than the oil? My dog is about 30 lbs lighter than me so I can already tell this may be a fight 🙂 Thank you!

    • julie says:

      It’s been a long time now since I’ve had to do it, but here’s what I remember: depending on the kind of ear fur your dog has, the tape may come off without too much trouble. Pulling gently will probably bring a lot of fur with it, but often what comes off is the loose stuff the dog would soon be shedding anyway. It may be easier, if you can be patient, to simply stroke the ears toward the tape, pushing it back just a little bit with each stroke so that it feels more like a massage than like having tape ripped off. Depending on how much tape there is, it could take a while, but that’s the most gentle method I can think of. A little oil on your fingers might speed things up a bit, but I know you have concerns about that.

      I hope it goes well, and I’m very glad to know this post and the comments are still helping people!

    • Denis Baker says:

      After a week to ten days or even shorter the tape will start to loosen on it’s own from the wear and tear and from the oil from the dogs’s skin. It will then come off fairly easy with a little help.

  166. Lisa Julius says:

    Thank you for such wonderful advice and for being BRAND specific! I spent over $500 on vet bills last year due to my Boxer’s cut ear. It finally healed but he has now cut the tip of the other ear. I m going to the drug store right now to get everything to fix up my sweet boy named Prince.

  167. Crystal says:

    I appreciate the time you took to share your experience.

  168. Shannon says:

    Thanks for the info, I have a similar problem but it’s not the ear its the tip of my yellow Labrador retrievers tail, he shakes with same force you speak of and this causes him to knock full glasses of iced tea (or whatever) right off the table, corners of wall, furniture, or my eye out . Constantly cleaning the blood off the walls and cabinets, it’s terrible. I think its the constant licking that has caused it not to heal rather then continualy reopening the wound. He licks it because it hurts and it hurts because he licks it. Endless cycle that I have been dealing with for over a year now. I took him to the vet where they have me an oral and and spray antibiotics and differs t kinds of creams and such, no luck. Tried every over the counter product available, no luck. I’ve tried wrapping his tail in every way imaginable, just wrapping the tip of his tail, entire tail, midway, etc.. I’ve tried all kinds of tapes and band aids, but after an hour or more of carefully and strategically wrapping he manages to pull it off the second I turn my back. It’s so frustrating. I’ve also tried the cone around his neck , but this approach was pointless because he was still able to get at his tail. I spoke to the vet and they said the only other option is to amputate and I just can’t concider that as an option. There has to be a way to heal this once and for all! I will try the liquid bandaid and extra sticky tape, thank you for your post,m. If anyone else has had a similar problem and found a way to solve it please feel free to leave your tips/advise.

    • julie says:

      Hi Shannon, thanks for commenting. I can’t believe this post is still going strong after eight years!

      Because it’s been so long, at least a little bit has changed: as far as I know, Band-Aid no longer sells the good liquid bandage. Very frustrating, as that stuff was fantastic. The next closest thing I can find, which is sadly more expensive (though still cheaper than another vet visit), is something called Vetbond, which is essentially superglue for wounds. I haven’t tried it yet, but it may work just as well, and on the plus side it sounds less difficult to apply.

      I hope something here is helpful, and that your Lab’s tail heals very soon!

  169. Susan skalko says:

    No no liquid bandage, have you tried it here’s like mad,

  170. Paloma says:

    I’m going through the same situation as you with one of my dogs. Do you know what might of caused it?

    • Denis Baker says:

      When your dog shakes it’s head the ears hit on anything within range causing them to get cut, scratched, torn, etc.

  171. Paolat says:

    I’ve been looking for somebody with this exact problem! I have a Labrador mix and he has floppy ears and he constantly shakes (sensitive ears) his head and his ears hit chairs and walls :/
    I’m excited to try the band aid products I’m confident they’re gonna work judging on your experience. 🙂

  172. corey says:

    This is the best post ever! Ive been having the same problem with my boxer, thanks for the help!

  173. chitra says:

    My female Labrador has been bitten at 30nth September. It was a little bit so we did not went to wound become a little big and releasing liquid I sprayed Lorexane on it.should I wait for one day or go to the doctor?

  174. julie says:

    Hi Chitra, I’m sorry to hear your dog was bitten. If you’re worried about the wound becoming infected, then maybe you should take her in to see a vet. If your concern is more that she keeps shaking her head and making it bleed more, there are lots of great suggestions in the comments above.

    Either way, I hope she heals quickly and is better very soon!

  175. April says:

    Thank you for posting this as my Great Dane has a small nick in his ear. I realized that he continually reopens it just a few days ago and will use your method with Neosporin as it has helped me and several puppy injuries over the years.

  176. Kaylen Hayes says:

    He got bit and the ear is torn apart.
    I’m really afraid that it’s going to bleed too much and kill him. Is that a legitimate fear?
    He’s about 14 years old

    • julie says:

      If it’s bleeding a lot, he may need stitches. I’d be less concerned about bleeding to death and more concerned about infection, though.

      It’s been a long time since my original post; for an ear injury today, I’d suggest trying something like a Comfy Cone to reduce the head shaking. If this had been available back when I had a dog with ear problems, I think it would have been perfect to slow down the shaking and keep her from tearing the ears more. For a simple ear tear, the soft cone along with some decent disinfectant and bandaging may be enough to help things heal up.

      I hope your friend is on the mend soon!

  177. We’re do you buy the stuff you suggested from a normal chemist as I have the same problem with my dogs ear at the moment

  178. julie says:

    Hard to say today. This post was first written in 2008, and a lot of things that were available then (like the good Band-Aids) are not made anymore. I don’t know what chemist shops usually carry where you are, but assuming they have first aid supplies that’s where I would check. Try waterproof bandages, they will probably stick and seal a little better than regular fabric or plastic.

    A pet supply store might be a good option, too, as they may carry veterinary tape which should stick to fur a little better, and you might also find a soft cone to help slow down the ear flapping. If your dog has itchy ears, I’ve still seen nothing better than Zymox, but I’ve never seen it in a shop, just online.

    Best of luck to you!

  179. Jim says:

    band-aid tough strips XL size, fold in half over tip of ear (that’s where our dog’s wound was) which allows some of the adhesive to stick to itself, gorilla tape overlapping the Band-Aid with half of the tape width on the ear itself – the other half covering the Band-Aid, and a comfy cone so when he shakes his head the ears don’t move as much. working so far.

  180. Andrea M says:

    I have been dealing with this for YEARS with my Catahoula, Burt. It was always his right ear. It was the worst!! Tried everything. Spent THOUSANDS of dollars at 4 different vets. The last time the vet cut a “v” into his ear and stitched it up and wrapped his head. The head wrap came off in a few days and the stitches were ripped out and he ended up with a yeast infection in that ear. I don’t know how, but it somehow between polysporn and syptic powder it managed to heal. Now, after having no issues for a few months – his left ear has bust open (this is a first). I can always get it to stop bleeding with syptic powder, but it is the shaking of his head which constantly has it breaking open and bleeding again. I have finally got a bandaid to stick onto it but it almost immediately filled with blood with the first shake. I put it on yesterday afternoon, it is still on – I am wondering if you think I should leave it, even if it is full of blood? Or if I should remove it and clean it and try to stick a new one on? My boyfriend thinks I should leave it as long as it will stay on – Burt also has the cone of shame on.. but it still splits open with a head shake. I feel like it is hurting him as well as he is CONSTANTLY twitching his ear, even with the bandaid on. Please help! 😦

    • julie says:

      Hi Andrea,

      Sorry to hear about Burt – that sounds miserable, for him and you. For the yeast infection, I still strongly recommend Zymox Otic – preferably with cortisone to help the inflammation. I’ve never seen it in store, but it’s available online through Amazon and places like PetMeds. It will stop the infection and the itching pretty quickly, in my experience in just a day or two.

      For the wound that is already open, if the bandaid is soaked through you probably do need a new one. Then the other key is to slow the shaking of the head, which unfortunately the regular cones don’t seem to do. We recently tried a soft cone (the “Comfy Cone”) for another dog who had foot surgery, and noticed that it seemed to slow things down when she shook her head, but then again she’s never had ear problems. It’s definitely sturdier than a regular cone, though, so your dog probably wouldn’t be able to shake the cone open.

      I think somebody above – a couple years back at least – once suggested a combination of regular cone and a softer type of e collar. The Kong brand on Amazon looks like a better choice if you go that route – certainly less expensive. That might be the most effective way to slow the shaking.

      I hope you find a good remedy!

  181. Amy says:

    We have had this issue on and off for a few years with our rescue Dane who has a bad habit of shaking his head when he gets up, after getting petted on the head, collar on/off etc. Pretty much all the time! It has happened again, and we have been trying New-skin liquid bandage (didn’t work), styptic powder (stops bleeding until head shakes again), Neosporin (again, the problem is the shaking).Tonight we plan to use superglue to seal the edge of the ear that is raw, then use heavy duty duct tape to tape his ears down like a helmet strap under his chin. This will stop his ears from rotating when he shakes his head and hopefully will be less stressful than a cone. If the tape job doesn’t work on its own, we will be going the cone route in addition to the tape.

  182. Bob says:

    Hi Julie!

    My dog has had a cut on their ear and I was afraid that using a band aid on was going to ruin the ear (or at least the fur on the ear!). I’m very relieved to hear thar you’ve done the same thing, and I will most certainly try to oil method of removal. Thanks so much for the tip! I hope it goes well.

  183. Carmen says:

    I realize this post is very old but I found it in a Google search and it has helped me heal my dogs ear wound of over 8 months in just a week! Everything is very similar to your description of your dog, allergies, waxy build up, shaking the head everywhere, etc. The wound was near the ear tip on the underside on my pitbull mix. I first used the liquid bandage and glued on a piece of moleskin with small holes poked in it. That came off but then I tried those advanced care blister bandages. I removed some hair and it stuck to his ear long enough to heal it. Thank you so much!

    • Melissa says:

      I’m going to have to try this, too–my pup has had his ear tip wound for two months now. I tried to let it heal on his own, then took him to the vet to cauterize and bandage it. When that didn’t work, the vet sutured it–this was two weeks ago. I took the tape off last night and it is worse than it was to begin with! Now the vet has given him a cone to wear, which does not keep him from shaking his head and he continues to bleed. He’s also been on trazodone for two weeks to try to keep him mellow and from needing to run/jump/shake…

      $600, a lot of frustration, and worse outcomes…

  184. Sean Bednarz says:

    This 10 year old article is seeming to hopefully do me well. A great explanation, tactics and more great information in the comments. Last night at around 6 in the morning I heard my dog constantly licking himself (He sleeps with me) (Pit Bull/Dachshund mix so he inherited the Dachshund dumbo ears). I noticed a few days ago he had a little cut on the tips of his ears and had plans to gently clean and then rub some Vasaline on it at night. Well to get back to my point, last night when I heard him licking himself nonstop I reached over to pet his head and felt/seen my hand was covered in blood. I quickly got up to see what was wrong and there was blood drips on my bed and then when I got up and he followed me, the blood drips followed. I applied a warm rag to it and gently rubbed the cut, followed up by a bandage wrap as instructed on here. The bleeding stopped after I wrapped it and we went back to bed. This morning there was no bleeding but I plan on taking care of this today. I couldn’t find the liquid bandage for I think it’s discontinued but if anybody has experience with the Nutri-Vet Liquid Bandage for dogs that is what I plan to use, additionally wrapping his head if necessary. Im not one to self-diagnose or self-treat but at this current moment money is a bit tied up due to bills/taxes. I’ve had him since he was 6 months (now 2 and a half) and nothing scared/hurt me more than his obvious pain and uncomfortableness 😦 . He didn’t like being treated even though he knew he was hurt, he is also quite stubborn. Thank you Julie and everyone else for the helpful info. I am going to try these things and let all know how it went.

    • Amy says:

      I replied to this thread in November 2016 and wanted to update that post. We tried the superglue, using industrial Gorilla tape on his ear (just ripped all the hair off down to the skin – BAD move), tried the cone, etc. We finally got some meds from the vet to knock him out a little bit and gave him allergy medicine (Chloropheneramine – available at Walmart under generic “Chlor-tabs” name for cheap!). This combination was enough to relieve his shaking enough for a scab to form. We also had success in using Aquaphor ointment for quick healing once a scab formed, applying it 2x a day and continuing to apply it even once healed, to keep the tip skin moisturized through the winter. Unfortunately, he recently passed away of sudden cancer. I am still cleaning the blood spatters off the walls and re-painting. Formula 409 works well to clean the paint, BTW. Best of luck to all of you! I know firsthand how difficult this can be!!

  185. julie says:

    Wow – I am amazed that this page is still helping people! Thanks Amy for your suggestions. Especially the Aquaphor, I never would have thought of that but it would definitely help for healing and reducing dryness.

    Sean, I hope something here is helpful and that your canine friend is better very soon!

  186. Lindsey says:

    Thank you so much for this advice! I’m trying right nonow. Me, my dog, and my walls have been suffering for years. Hopefully this will alleviate the problem.

  187. my2bratts says:

    Let me bring this blog into 2020! Yes, it is truly amazing, Julie, that what you started as a ‘help guide’ to others has provided so many suggestions and tricks to help with the dreaded ear injuries. I read through every comment… had experience with the tail injuries (omg!) and was originally looking for the hematoma. There was a couple comments that eluded to those.

    My foster old boy, developed his first hematoma which I’m surprised hadn’t happened sooner. He, like many other dogs, disregards their surroundings when they shake their heads. After first inspection, looking for bug bites, dirty ears or smelly ears, I’ve ‘diagnosed’ with my limited knowledge that it’s a hematoma. We’re attending the vet later today.

    I was looking for this info, proactively, when I came across your blog because I suspect I will need some tools in my toolbox after it is dealt with. I’m now armed with some ideas and have what I need for complications that arise from such an ear injury. Thankfully, he’s with me all the time so I will be able to closely monitor any ‘head gear’ he may have to wear to stop from flapping the ears around.

    I concur with many above that what you started, still comes up in a google search and some 12 or so years later… is still doing what it is intended to do – share information! Especially for the situation of ‘cuts on ears’, talk about a difficult place to manage! Well done, Julie and thank you for your initial blog and continuing support to us stragglers coming late to the game! Sandra

    • julie says:

      Apologies on the delayed response, but I am so glad this post is still helping people! Amazing, and thank you for your comment 🙂

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