Prayer for a Stranger

Yesterday, she lost her job

today, two tires were blown,

three small girls in tow.

I did what little I could

but there’s one more thing I can do:

say a little prayer

that out of what seems her darkest day

something Good will come

and she will find a measure

of Comfort and Blessing.


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6 Responses to Prayer for a Stranger

  1. mushroom says:

    The crack that lets the rain in
    lets the Light in as well
    the hidden revealed

    You all make it look easy. I should have just stuck with I’ll pray, too.

  2. USS Ben says:

    Prayers on the Way!

  3. Brigid says:

    That is never good news. As I posted today, I do believe in prayer, even if the answer you get doesn’t seem to make sense at the time.

    I hope things get better for her.

    If she needs some help from us out here, just ask.

  4. Julie says:

    Hi Brigid, and thanks for the offer. She was understandaby distraught, and we didn’t have a chance to exchange names. She was on her cell phone most of the time, calling her husband. The one thing she really wanted most just then was a job opportunity, but as a homemaker who dabbles in art, I couldn’t help her. I would gladly have given her my spare tire, if it would have fit.

    I hope she finds what she needs.

  5. Lucy says:

    Dear Julie, sounds as though you were a kind presence at the right time, and the prayers can never do any harm!

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