Friday Portrait, July 13


This is my last Friday Portrait, at least for the foreseeable future. In two weeks we’ll be settling into our new place way on the other side of the country.

This group has been a blessing to me. I’m going to miss them.

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6 Responses to Friday Portrait, July 13

  1. mushroom says:

    I’m sure you have been a blessing to them as well. We’re looking forward to all kinds of new and exciting stuff from your transition.

  2. John Lien says:

    Hi Julie, I have been enjoying these portraits over these past several months. The shading and skin coloration on this guy is particulary good (not that I know anything about art). Anyhow, have a not horrible move. You really can’t hope for much more than that.

  3. julie says:

    Thanks, John. As moves go, this is the easiest one I’ve ever done as an adult. Which is to say, we’ve managed to have very few meltdowns, and are reasonably sure that most of our stuff will get there in good shape πŸ™‚ Indeed, I can’t ask for more than that.

  4. Teresa says:

    I am so behind in my blog reading!!! I have just done a scroll down through your entries and realized I haven’t visited in quite a while! I bought myself a sketch book and pencils and now I realize I should get them out again and do some rudimentary drawing πŸ™‚ I hope your move goes easily and all your stuff makes it on one piece… but as long as you and your family get there okay then all is well.

  5. Bob Agard says:

    Where are you? I moved too, but just a few miles away, on the high plains with rolling hills dotted by ponderosa pines.

  6. julie says:

    Hi Bob πŸ™‚
    We’ve moved to the Miami area, just in time for our first tropical storm. It’s been a busy summer!

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