I just Can’t Resist

For those who only pop by once per day, this is actually the third post. What can I say? The Eyeclops brings me joy, and I just have to share.


I know, I know – aphids, pests, destroying my oleander little by little… but look how cute they are! I’m actually kind of surprised they can feast on oleander and live; I bet they don’t have many predators.


Lantana flowers are rather fuzzy. And oddly sparkly up close.

Below is a macro shot with my regular camera, for comparison (that’s a dime, to give a sense of scale):


Alright, that’s it for today. Nobody stops by often enough to make many extra posts worthwhile. Seriously, though – holding this all in is like trying to hold my breath for several weeks straight. Which isn’t a complaint, I hasten to add. I just feel irrepressible.



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5 Responses to I just Can’t Resist

  1. Oh! I loved these! Thanks for posting anyway…


  2. walt says:

    In our nursery, we used to refer to aphids as “those sucking bugs” — uh, or something close to that, anyway. But now that I can see how cute they are, perhaps I’ll feel differently.

    Since you’re now onto the scale thingy via Eyeclops, I would think that three posts a day would be a piece of cake — which you could also photograph! I’ll bet “icing” would be interesting; usually, no one “looks” at cake icing very long!

  3. julie says:

    Don’t let the cuteness suck you in, Walt – they’re still sucking bugs, bent on draining the very life out of the plants you work so hard to maintain. The cute is just there to disarm you and allow them to carry on with their nefarious plans of world domination.

    Icing anywhere near me would probably not last long enough for me to take pictures 😉

  4. Brigid says:

    Your extra posts are always worthwhile.

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