Super Bowl Photos

Are up now on my Flickr photostream.

This photostream is private, though – both because I don’t want any copyright headaches and because it contains pics of friends and family. If you have a guest pass, you should be able to view them already. If you would like a guest pass or have any trouble gaining access, send me an email (juliecork ~at~ prodigy ~dot~ net) and I’ll send an invite!

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4 Responses to Super Bowl Photos

  1. Grrrreat photos, Julie! Talk about being there. I thought the Super Bowl was just a game, but no…it almost seems an afterthought with everything else going on too. Thanks for the extended peek behind the scenes!

    Oh and the view from Upper Tonga was worth the whole trip, right?

  2. julie says:

    Absolutely! I have lots more of those views (I was bracketing, so maybe a third of the pics on my camera were cloud shots, but it was so gorgeous I just couldn’t stop), but they’re so rich I figure they should be doled out on special OKsions 😉

  3. walt says:

    Ha-ha, this may take awhile! Let’s just say that the game prolly took less time than Mr. Dial-up will to load ’em all! But really — I’m being serious here — your photos of all the surrounding aspects give a “feel” like being there in person! I’ll have some time this afternoon when I can unpack them all — the best ones are at the end, right?

  4. julie says:

    Or the beginning, depending on how you look at it 😉

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